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Playing With / Shapeshifter Identity Crisis

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Basic Trope: Mentally unstable shapeshifter who isn't sure who they are.

  • Straight: Bob/Alice go back and forth, unsure who's the real identity.
  • Exaggerated: Bob/Alice take on so many personas they could fill a country.
  • Downplayed: Bob is uncertain what his real age is anymore.
  • Justified: Bob never studied biology and psychology, so he isn't prepared to deal the consequences of impersonating another.
  • Inverted: Bob is the result of multiple minds thinking they're just one.
  • Subverted: Bob appears to be going through an identity crisis with his shapeshifting, but is actually trolling people.
  • Double Subverted: ...However he's been doing this so long he legitimately starts questioning his identity.
  • Parodied: Bob isn't sure what species he's supposed to be, with him transforming into a walrus that acts like a cat and a salmon trying to behave like a wolf.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob seems to question his identity, but he's actually trolling... Until he honestly begins to as a result. However Bob finally gets himself together... Except he's actually lying. Nonetheless...
  • Averted: Shapeshifting either don't exist or they're able to recognize their identity.
  • Enforced: "We need to add in some drama, but the villain isn't supposed to appear for several more episodes... Hey, what if we show Bob having difficulty remembering himself?"
  • Lampshaded: "Why can't you remember who you are? Surely you couldn't have been dumb enough to completely copy someone."
  • Invoked: Bob, disgusted with who he became, starts taking on new personas and forms to settle on one he likes.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz is able to trick Bob into becoming his loyal ally Drake.
  • Defied: "First rule of shapeshifting, do not shift your brain."
  • Discussed: "It must suck losing yourself and not being able to recall who you really are." "Well, shapeshifting really isn't a toy, so you have to careful about what hormones you flood your body with."
  • Conversed: "I don't get how someone could possibly forget who they are." "Perhaps they were tampering with their brain and didn't know anything about neurology?"
  • Implied: Whenever Bob takes on a new form he sometimes doesn't respond to his own before sheepishly apologizing.
  • Deconstructed: With shapeshifters being prone to identity crises nobody wants to be one, with all remaining shapeshifters ending up confined to asylums.
  • Reconstructed: Though losing yourself is a serious problem, shapeshifters still risk it to accomplish their tasks and the instability they suffer from allows advancements in neurology as researchers try to help them.
  • Played For Laughs: Bob seamlessly transitions from being a kindly old lady to a violent brute, acting so in character each time.
  • Played For Drama: Bob's conflicting loyalties and feelings eventually result in his confused mind trying to "kill the enemy".

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