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Playing With / Featureless Protagonist

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Basic Trope: Ageless Faceless Gender Neutral Culturally Ambiguous Adventure Person.

  • Straight: You can choose the MC's face, name, species, and gender.
  • Exaggerated: You cannot select any traits for the MC. The other characters skillfully avoid referring to the MC's name, gender, age, or species for the entire game.
  • Downplayed: The hero has a few features that are constant, such as being tan from the place they live or having scars from battle, but the rest of it is up to the player.
  • Justified:
    • It's supposed to make it feel like the main characters are your army/friends/children.
    • The player character is a shapeshifter of some sorts, so he/she/it doesn't have a clearly defined appearance.
    • The main character is permanently sealed into a bulky suit of armor and unable to remove their helmet to show their face.
    • The player character works in an extremely hazardous environment that necessitates wearing protective gear, including a protective suit and mask. Because most of the game takes place in this environment, they never get a chance to remove them.
    • The game is played entirely in the first person, preventing the player from seeing themselves.
  • Inverted: You can't chose much about the game because of Railroading.
  • Subverted: They're not the real heroes. They're a group the heroes brought together to help them on a dangerous mission.
  • Double Subverted: You can pick the heroes too - you can also make more groups like that.
  • Parodied:
    • Each one is literally an Artificial Human made by their "adoptive father", each from the DNA of his dead quintuplets. This also explains why they're identical except possibly in gender.
    • Their species change with the jobs, by the same process the Job System works.
  • Zig Zagged: Some groups you can use are preset, some aren't.
  • Averted:
    • You can't pick anything about the heroes.
    • Your choices for making/introducing the heroes are limited to the most basic of things such as gender and name.
  • Enforced: The developers want an MC that can be relatable to anyone.
  • Lampshaded: "Hello, Mister...Miss...sorry, what's your gender? Not to be rude, but you look extremely androgynous and generic."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: The heroes use their Adaptive Ability to trump over situations that would be far more difficult for a conventional adventurer.
  • Defied: The MC becomes self-aware and chooses a name and gender for themself, independent of the player's choices.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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