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Pantheon / GUAE Dystopia Harbingers

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A most cruel and dreadful subdivision of the GUAE dedicated to enforcing a great reign of tyranny over the unlucky mortals who directly suffer under the GUAE's influence. Where other factions are gleeful at the prospect of finding more realms to subjugate for themselves, this group's members are focused on making the most out of what they've already dominated, and testing the limits on how much oppression the defeated can take. Optimizing their own abilities to maintain such a repressive world, their main goal of a dystopian world with no hope or point in freedom or liberation has horrified many from the other Alliances, even the more fair deities from the Grand United of Law who find the Dystopia Harbingers' ways to twist the fairness of law to their own ends. But as long as the ceasefire between Alliance stays, these members and the tyrannical control and repression they represent are here to stay.
