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Nightmare Fuel / Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End

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It's no surprise that a series about world-ending disasters would have terrifying moments.

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    Episode #1: Killer Asteroid 

    Episode #2: Black Hole 

  • As the black hole approaches, Earth starts experiencing increasingly severe disasters before the Earth is destroyed.

    Episode #3: Rogue Planet 

  • As a Neptune-sized rogue planet approaches Earth on a collision course, increasingly serious disasters start happening before the Earth is ripped apart by the rogue planet's gravity.
  • Imagine the Chelyabinsk meteor incident times a million. That's what happens when the Earth passes through the rogue planet's rings. As a result, cities from London and Rome to Shanghai, Singapore and Tokyo are obliterated.
  • The fate of the USS West Virginia crew, having initially survived the destruction of Earth, ends up getting cooked alive and eventually vaporized.

    Episode #4: Solar Storm 

    Episode #5: Nuclear War 

    Episode #6: Hit by Gamma-Ray Burst 

  • After the gamma-ray burst strikes, most people on one side of the Earth immediately start dying of radiation sickness. Even the crew of a submarine deep underwater isn't safe.
  • A second wave of radiation kills off survivors five years later.

    Episode #7: Blasted by Mega Eruption 

    Episode #8: Knocked Out of Orbit 

  • Imagine being slowly cooked to death over a period of 30 to 45 days as the Earth fell towards the sun.
    Paleontologist Trevor Valle: The term "nightmare" doesn't really even apply anymore. This is the beginning of Hell.

    Episode #9: Attacked by Aliens 

  • After using directed-energy weapons to lay waste to major cities, the aliens release a biological weapon based on a modified version of the Cordyceps fungus. Affected people start experiencing a strange illness and soon die as giant stalks and alien spores burst from their bodies.

    Episode #10: Wiped Out by Ocean 
