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Lets Play / Adventures On Monster Island

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The Cyclopean Plane is not a nice place to live. It's almost entirely water, with only one small island of solid land. Said land, the Island of Trotting, is an evil place of rolling hills and literally every monster in the world. In a history devoid of regular civilizations to attack, the creatures have been living in peace... and then Vanod Openedfires showed up. The only human in the history of the world, a man with no past and only a spear on his person, must survive in this wretched (if strangely tranquil) place. Wherever his travels take him, and whatever deeds he performs, only one thing is certain:

He'll be doing it butt naked.

The story can be found here.

Tropes on Monster Island

  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Vanod begins his journey by killing a hill titan.
  • Evil Is One Big, Happy Family: Monsters in Dwarf Fortress are programmed to attack civilizations, like humans, elves, and dwarves. Without any civilizations in worldgen, they all just live together in harmony.
  • A Kind of One: Vanod Openedfires is the only human (and only civilized creature) ever to live in the Cyclopean Plane.
  • Meaningful Name: 'Vanod' means 'stranger' in the human language. Vanod is a stranger to the world, and the only human in it.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Outsiders, like Vanod is, don't start with any clothing. Given that there's no civilization to speak of, he can't get any, so he goes naked for the whole adventure.
  • Double Biome Planet: Dwarf Fortress usually averts this, but the Cyclopean Plane plays it straight. There are only two biomes; the ocean and the one island.
  • Villain Forgot to Level Grind: A variation- the monsters on the island have never needed to fight anyone before Vanod, so they aren't nearly as dangerous as monsters in most worlds, despite there being more of them.
