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Heartwarming / Silent Horror

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Despite Silent Horror being genuinely horrific, there are moments that are strangely wholesome.

  • Outbreak: A young woman discovers a homeless child who was starving and offers him food. Years later and into the 2020 pandemic, she is one of the many people who contracted the virus. Who else to be her doctor than the boy she helped those years ago?
  • Terminal: The protagonist is a young woman who requires a heart replacement. Before she goes under the knife, she sees a ghost boy who makes her laugh by making funny faces. It is then revealed that the boy was the one whose heart she was given.
  • Nanny: While the parents were corrupt officials who commit suicide, they ensure that the nanny they hired was capable of giving their child a better home.
  • Skinless Parents: The protagonist is a young girl who has disdain for her parents due to them having minimal skin on their bodies. She contemplates leaving home, but when she goes to their room, she discovers photos of herself when she was born. She did not have skin so her parents decided to make the ultimate sacrifice by donating their skin to give her a normal life. Realizing the error of her ways, the girl embraces her parents as they cry Tears of Joy.
