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Heartwarming / Isaac Arthur

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  • It should be noted that all of Isaac Arthur's videos have a dose of optimism and belief that things can get better with technology. In a world with MegaCorp trying to control people, climate change and media fearmongering new technology it is nice to see a person saying, in a realistic manner, about the optimistic changes technology can bring.
  • Just the idea that we can live to see the end of the Universe and maybe beyond from "Civilizations at the End of Time" is heartwarming on its own.
    • And even beyond that, Boltzmann Brains suggest that life and civilizations could exist after the end of time itself.
  • Post-Apocalyptic civilizations talks about this. Just because things are broken doesn't mean they can't be rebuilt.
  • The fact that he named the Birch Planet after the original person who coined the idea, Paul Birch, because he felt the guy didn't have nearly enough recognition for his work.
  • "The Cosmic Ocean" episode is dedicated to Carl Sagan and how he influenced Isaac's work.
  • The ending of "Standing Out In a Civilization of Trillions."
    Isaac: And really, in all that vast space in the sky, who would even notice if a star like ours just flickered out one day, let alone care if one tiny person in one tiny town on one tiny world around that sun disappeared? Of course, the answer to that is that a lot of folks would notice if you disappeared, and as we grow in numbers and technology, toward a trillion and even beyond, that will only increase, not decrease. If you're alive, hearing this now, then in my opinion you have a better than 50/50 chance of having your name remembered and recorded until this bright star we live around burns out, and all you need to do to stand out is find something you love and pursue it, and in the future this will only be easier. And even if our sun is only one in countless trillions in the vast, empty sea of the night, that doesn't mean it shines any less bright.
  • "Challenges & Predictions for the Next 100 Years" addresses all the fears and issues facing the world, and how Isaac refuses to see any of them as our inevitable destruction, but problems that we can overcome.
    Isaac: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, that way you are rarely disappointed and often pleasantly surprised. And when it comes to the future, there's enough unpleasant surprises as is, so we do not need to make more. Though let us never forget, the last 100 years brought a lot of pleasant surprises, and with some hard work and determination, the next century probably will too.
  • "Reasons To Be Optimistic About The Future", released on Thanksgiving 2022, where Isaac discusses why he's so optimistic about the future. Simply put, so many things have been accomplished and improved since he was young and he sees no reason to think that trend will stop.
