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Headscratchers / Tales from the Hood 3

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     Why did they let Denton keep a loaded gun? 
Why would this zoo let a figure as unstable as Denton keep a loaded gun in his enclosure, especially if the force field keeping him caged could bounce back bullets and kill him? I mean I know it was meant to be a pathetic end to a pathetic man, but not a lot about this story makes sense.
  • Maybe a little subtle lesson about the self-destructive potential of being openly racist in modern society?
    • One of the women at the zoo exhibit did seem surprised they didn’t take all of his live ammo away before he was placed in the enclosure. So maybe it was a mistake on their part.
    • Given how unlikable Denton is, it's possible that one of his caretakers (maybe a spiteful intern or an employee low on the totem pole) deliberately gave him live ammo, just to see how badly he would injure himself.
