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Headscratchers / Sleuth

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  • About the 1972 film adaptation: the clues which Milo gave to Andrew were for the most part spot on. But then there's this Italian proverb... What does gold have to do with a stocking on a pendulum? Was Milo just messing with Andrew here, or am I missing something?
    • It most likely refers to the color of the pendulum.
  • What happened to the Milo's car? For some reason we see it hidden in the trees, but I can't really understand who did it or why. And why did Inspector Doppler never mention it?
    • The shot of the car being hidden was probably an attempt to mislead the audience into thinking that Andrew killed Milo and then covered his tracks. In actuality, Milo must have hidden the car himself when he was setting up for Doppler and then took the train home.
      • But why didn't he go home in this car? If it had been a part of the set-up, he would have surely brought it up at some point.
      • A good question. Maybe he did plan to bring it up but either forgot or got distracted by other "evidence".
      • He used his car to return to the manor in his Doppler disguise, so naturally it was there while he was playing that part. There’s nothing to indicate “Doppler” used any other means of transport to arrive at the manor; Trying to use Milo’s car as one of the “clues” could have tipped off Andrew that he was really Milo, so he hid it instead, and if Andrew heard the car, he would have said a police car dropped him off.
      • Why risk though? Andrew could have noticed the car and attempts to hide it. It would have been much more safe and logical to do the standard trick - park the car at some distance from the manor and walk the rest of the way on foot.
