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Headscratchers / Sex/Life

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  • So what's with that ending. After all that trouble she decides she actually is going to have a clandestine affair? I get the theme that you need to embrace the part of you that desires more, but whatever happened to going forth honestly? Because her husband looks super pissed when he sees her running across town, I don't think he was consulted at all. If they want to have an open relationship then sure, come to an agreement on that, but it doesn't look like that's what's happening. And I think it's quite telling that they had Brad completely silent for the ending, because it doesn't seem like it'd be in character for him to simply accept being a side piece when he's trying to have a meaningful relationship. In a similar vein it seems like Cooper is being pushed towards his boss, but she wants a meaningful relationship too. It's like the ending is unintentionally showing why wanting everything is a bad thing despite trying desperately to say the opposite. The way all of these characters are written, I can't see how this could possibly be a good ending. It's just going to lead to more pain and misery for everyone involved (Billie too, because Cooper is not going to stay in that marriage when she is blatantly going behind his back right after they agreed to be honest with each other). And what's almost hilarious in how selfish it makes Billie, she actually ruined the situation for he neighbor, the one female character who actually was getting total sexual satisfaction while being in a meaningful relationship.
    • I'd wondered about that too, as the ending seemed to kind of come about abruptly. The plot seemed to build up in the other direction (not to cheat on your spouse, and throw away a good-if somewhat boring-relationship for a negative but exciting one). If/when there's a season two I guess perhaps we'll see where they go after that.
