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Headscratchers / Highlander: The Animated Series

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  • At the gathering they agree to take the oath the obviously evil ripoff of The Kurgan basically loudly declares his intention to take out the pacified immortals and take over the world; So in response the other immortals go ahead and take the oath without dealing with the one desenter who pretty much said he was going to wipe them out once they made themselves defenseless.
    • No, he comes along with everbody else and pretends he is gonna swear the vow of pacifism, but when they all have finished swearing except him that's when he refuses and declares himself the last immortal, ruler of the world.
      • But this goes back to the holy ground rule, and is even sillier as the immortals JUST made this up. Who is going to stop them from cutting of the head of the ONE dissenter? "We just all took a vow except this guy." "He is going to kill us all." "Maybe we should hold on that vow until he is dead." "Agreed." Seriously.
    • Never saw the series, but did try and play the game based on it (which sucked hard.) My first bad feeling came when describing the setting, and specifically when telling that Connor MacLeod went to try and deal with the traitor, he lost the fight immediately because he'd taken the oath of pacifism. Seriously? Connor MacFuckingLeod let himself get beheaded because an oath stopped him from fighting back, even in self-defense?
      • Connor didn't let himself get beheaded, he was just defeated in front of all the others. It's implied that breaking his oath was what doomed him, a kind of magic and stuff. And so all the others, having witnessed this, couldn't go for the direct approach because of their oaths either - until many years/centuries later, when a new Immortal was born and he was the only one who could defeat the not-Kurgan, being under no oath just like him. In fact it's Connor himself who foretells this after he's disarmed, before dying.
