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Headscratchers / Better Call Saul S6 E7: "Plan and Execution"

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  • Would Howard's behavior in the Sandpiper mediation meeting really damage their case significantly? It looks like he's having some sort of breakdown or medical event and I can't see it being that much different than him getting hit by a car during lunch in terms of the merits of the case. He's not vital to it, he's not a witness or anything like that and could move off it. I don't see why Cliff would accept the high pressure terms.
    • It's all about image in the end. He had that breakdown in front of key people involved in the case and he was one of them, especially on the HHM front. Not to mention, his version of a breakdown involved throwing unfounded and crazed accusations at a Judge before storming out.
    • It's also because Rich makes the smart move and declares he's going back on his original offer while adding the "drop by a million each day" remark to all but ensure a swift resolution, because Howard, by having such a breakdown that makes him look irrational (drug-induced or otherwise), basically causes HHM to lose all of their leverage over him. Being a successful lawyer is about always appearing to have command over the situation. So if you lose that and the opponent is quick to take advantage of it... you're done.
