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Funny / The Whale

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  • Liz threatens to stab Charlie for apologizing so much, to which he replies "Go ahead. What's it gonna do? My internal organs are two feet in at least." She then jokingly jabs her hand into his stomach, which tickles him to the point of laughter.
  • Before looking up his blood pressure, Charlie checks his drawers, only to find them full of junk food. Also doubles as Black Comedy, knowing what's next.
  • Liz gives Charlie a sub which he begins chowing down on. He begins choking on it... to which she jumps to action and gives him a Heimlich. Rather than checking on him to see if he's okay, she chews him out for not chewing his food "like a normal human being". While the circumstances behind this are very depressing, the moment itself does make for a good moment of Black Comedy.
