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Funny / Retro Game Challenge

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  • Mutekiken Kung-Fu, despite being based on Asian culture (mainly Japanese), is actually from an American company. Several events poke fun at how Americans see Asian culture.
    Young Arino: Kung-Fu... isn't that Chinese?
    • From GameFan Magazine:
    Tojima: How did the interview this month with Nicole[, the developer,] go? Nicole may be fluent in Japanese, but I don't think she understands Japanese culture. When I pointed this out she got upset and screamed "Banzai!" while mimicking a Harakiri action.
    • Speaking of which, look at the name of the maker of Mutekiken Kung-Fu: HARAKIRI.
  • Some of the many things both Arinos say are hilarious, specially due to how inappropriate they may sound. But hearing Arino himself say some of those things is priceless.
    Young Arino: Are you single?
    Young Arino: Can't you read the atmosphere?
  • Game Master Arino sometimes brags about a game so hard he could never beat it and then asks you to do it. Then it turns out the game is actually ridiculously easy.
    • At other times, he gets flustered that you cleared a challenge so fast he hasn't had time to come up with a new challenge!
