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Funny / Blogging Twilight

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  • Most (if not all) of Dan's insane ramblings. Heck, even his more coherent ramblings are funny.
  • In the first 2 books, Dan constantly pointing out the Les Yay between Bella and Alice whenever they're together.
  • The foreshadowing that Dan accidentally does in Twilight and New Moon. At one point, he points out that the Bella/Edward relationship is essentially a 109 year old dating a 17 year old and asks Stephenie Meyer if she would also be okay with an 18 year old dating a 3 year old... Which ends up happening in Eclipse with one of the werewolves.
  • The Broken Pedestal moments Dan has throughout the series. He finishes the first book with his top 3 characters being Alice, Emmett, and Jacob. By the end of the series:
    • He hates Alice for her plot device power that makes no sense.
    • He hates Jacob for falling in love with Bella's baby, which causes him and the other werewolves to immediately abandon their anti-vampire principles and focus more on protecting his "imprint partner".
    • He has a breakdown because the only major scene Emmett has in the series is him losing an arm wrestling match to Bella of all people.
  • When Dan finds out Quil is dating a toddler, he spends the rest of the series mocking him by adding him to the predictions tab and having him tell everyone how his toddler girlfriend acts. Jacob temporarily joins him when he starts dating a baby.
