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Fridge Brilliance

  • Kevin and Julynn's new pairing might look like out of nowhere, but keen watchers can realize that they share one thing in common to make their pairing more making sense: Both of them have best friends of the same sex and became very close to the point of being more than just best friends (Ren Yi Xiang and Cherylene, respectively).
  • (Before confirmation) The fact that Teverly spends way too much time/commitment into ‘targeting’ Diana should be proof that he actually likes her.
    • In the fire episode, when Tev puts Diana down, you can briefly see their eyes locking.
  • Teverly deciding to confess to Diana that he works for the Organisation as reaction to Mr Alan threatening to cancel her scholarship might seem like a bit of ‘How is that gonna work?’. But if you really think about it, Mr Alan threatened so because of Tev’s relationship with her, and Diana’s most likely reaction to hearing the truth is going to break up with him. And so (in Tev’s point of view), Diana breaking up with him will make Mr Alan cancel canceling Diana’s scholarship. And Diana is saved!
  • Why does Diana have more wealth and social status than RYX, even though they’re siblings and most likely live in the same house? Most likely because she’s more mature and responsible with money than he is.
  • The fact that Mr Alan and the CEO (who is higher than Alan) mispronounce ‘academy’ imply/highlight that Alan (and by extension, all Organisation members) are blind to follow their higher ups that the cloud their own judgement (like how Alan just copied the CEO’s example).
  • I kinda find it weird that Mr Alan has both yin and yang, instead of just yin (which represents him being a perfect foil to JH/the dark to JH’s light). However, you could interpret it as Mr Alan being in control of both yin and yang, which in Taoist philosophy, represents how the universe (or at least the Titan Academy universe) flows.
  • Cleverly’s expulsion due to his actor Ng Tong En leaving for National Service might’ve made some fans wonder: “Why can’t they just hire another actor to replace him?” for the two years he was gone. And that’s the whole point of Teverly’s character! To show us what would happen if we replaced Tong En/Cleverly.
  • Denise’s rant in the photo day episode about having to ‘live up to everyone’s expectations’ foreshadows not just her mom, but her whole family (the ‘everyone’) pressuring her with their prestige.
    • Denise getting drunk earlier over a single shot just shows how fragile her mental state is.
  • Mr James returning to evil makes sense not only because he wants to get revenge on Soot Beng for taking Vicky away from him, but also the fact that he has no where else to go. His business has crashed, his daughter has rejected him etc. No wonder he turns to the Organisation, who prey on desperate people to exploit them.
  • In addition, in Miss Sherly’s Night School finale narration, she says, “And Chelsea, she actually got together with James. But only for a week.” Guess what this says about James?
  • The reveal that Teverly was being exploited and mislead by the Organisation, just like any other student, makes sense once you realise that Cleverly, the guy he is a copycat of while simultaneously on the other end of the Organisation relationships spectrum, was also exploited and lied to by them.
    • JianHao Tan himself even stated that Teverly’s confrontation scene with Mr Alan was meant to be a ‘iconic’ scene, and pointed to Tong En/Cleverly before asking if he looks familiar.
  • Despite common knowledge, Vincent never had a crush on Maddy, nor was he leaning into it, which makes sense considering that he constantly rejects her later.
    • In addition, he might just be uncomfortable with Maddy being clingy to him, even thinking that they were ‘dating’.

Fridge Sadness
  • Ren Yi Xiang. Father? Left him after the family became broke after he bet his money on the wrong team in the World Cup. Mother? Unknown, but most likely left/abandoned him. Grandma? Very negligent. Sister? Bullies him all the time and is more wealthy/privileged than him. No wonder why (on top of his heartbreaks) RYX is the way he is.
  • In Before vs After Exams, Denise says that she hopes to get an A on her blood test while the rest of her family gots Bs. What if she did get and A? Is she adopted?
