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Drinking Game / Jet Lag: The Game

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Looking to be the next Ben? It's time for Jet lag: The Game: The Drinking Game

Generic Rules

  • Take a shot anytime someone takes a shot onscreen
    • Two if it's not Ben
      • Three if they're doing it for a card
  • Take a shot when one team is saying "oh the other team is doing xyz" and they cut to the other team doing xyz
    • Take two if they say they aren't doing that
  • Take a shot every time Adam calls Ben "buddy"]
  • Take a shot every time it looks like someone is going to miss a mode of transport
    • Take two if they actually miss it
  • Take a shot when language barriers come into play
  • Take a shot when someone gets on the wrong transit vehicle
  • Take a sip when a challenge is completed
  • Take a shot when a challenge is vetoed
  • Take a sip for every bleep
  • Take a shot every time someone does something that they really shouldn't have done.

Crime Spree

  • Take a shot every time Sam avoids saying dildo
  • Take a shot for every broken law
    • Two if it isn't for the game

Connect 4 Across America

  • Take a shot when someone claims a state

Tag Across Europe

  • Take a shot every time someone hides something from their teammate
  • Take a shot whenever someone is tagged

Battle 4 America

  • Take a shot whenever a team claims a state
    • Take two if it was claimed through battle

Race to the End of the World

  • Take a shot for every LOTR reference
    • Two if you didn't realize it was a reference until someone else grabbed their glass
  • Take a shot Every time a card is played
  • Take a shot every time someone enters the Snack Zone

Capture the Flag Across Japan

  • Take a shot anytime someone grabs the flag
  • Take a shot when someone is tagged
    • two if they have the flag
  • Take a sip every time Adam says "sumimasen"

Tag Across Europe 2

  • Take a sip every time someone's train is delayed
    • Take a shot if the runner gets caught because of it

Arctic Escape

  • Take a sip every time Michelle mentions astrology.
  • Take a shot every time a team discards a ticket without ever using it.
  • Take a shot every time Ben and Adam ask a complete stranger for help while trying to explain what they're doing.

Hide + Seek

  • Take a drink every time Sam and Adam walk past Ben's hiding spot in Episode 3.
