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Characters / My Superhero City Families One

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My Superhero City - Characters

The parents, relations, and other loved ones of Squad One.

     Alice Hirschbaum 

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Zach gets his sunny disposition and burning optimism from his mother. The epitome of "bubbly" and "loving", Alice is friends to nearly everyone she meets and rarely an enemy to anyone. Her passions include baking and cooking, sewing and watching her stories. When her husband got put on disability leave, she took it upon herself to work as many jobs as she could to provide for her family, including, at the moment, a Cashier at the local grocery store, a receptionist at a salon and a baker at the bakery.

     Robert Hirschbaum 

If there was anyone more opposite of Alice, it's Robert. The epitome of Southern Trash, he once upon a time was a firefighter that got hurt and was put on disability leave. Rather than use this time to get better and spend time with his family, he instead chose to use this time to get drunk during half the day, and spend the rest of the day viciously beating his wife and son. He had a wicked hatred for the Super Hero community, deciding that that would be what's causing all of his strife on his family: The Superheroes taking jobs from hardworking people like him. Finally, in a moment of utter abhorrence, justifying that "without the little fucking brat, we wouldn't be struggling for money" (the irony long since lost to him), he sold his own eight year old son to the Order of the Well for some quick money and well, the rest is history.
