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Awesome / The Curse of M

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  • Even though it fails, Lorna and Geezer put up a good fight against the Men in Grey, including an epic example of Shamu Fu.
  • A villainous example, but Von Rached telepathically forcing the invading soldiers to execute themselves is pretty badass, in a terrifying sort of way.
  • The escape from the Institute. True, Lorna doesn't make it out, but she does make a giant mess, and Geezer steals a helicopter while Gerald and Katje haul in a wounded, unconscious Ratiri.
  • The DMA's assault on the Institute, when all the other inmates are rescued.
  • Lorna and Von Rached's final battle in the Canadian forest. The entire book, every time she's fought him, she's lost; he's always been stronger than she is. This time it's a sustained, violent brawl, and the only reason she doesn't kill him is because the Lady inferred she shouldn't. Instead she leaves him in the forest with two broken legs, multiple broken ribs, and a stab-wound.
