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Live Blog Mass Effect 3. Let's play it!

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Table of Contents
Installment Title
Getting started
I'm on Mars. This is where those spiders came from that one time, right?
I'm Commander Shepard, and these are my favourite things on the Citadel 2
I'm Commander Shepard, and these are...some things on the Citadel and the Normandy
Poor turians
I'm Commander Shepard and EDI is my favourite AI EVER!
More Citadelling. ("Citadelling" is so a real word!)
Grissom Academy
Everybody always comes back to the Citadel, but me especially
In which Cerberus continues to try its best to fuck everything up, this time on Sur'Kesh
So what ever happened to the rachni, anyway?
Curing the genophage
Preparing for another routine, uneventful visit to the Citadel
The post where I get the last of the Samara hate out of my system 2
It's raining fish, hallelujah! 2
I wonder if my clone will be all goody goody when I play this as a Renegade. (Probably not.)
Any party without Jacob is a poor excuse for a party indeed
The only explosions we want on Tuchanka from now on are to erupt from krogan penises, NOT bombs!
Damn it, it's almost like the characters in this game aren't even aware of what I ask them to do in this liveblog 6
Bye Legion. :(
Omega 2
Why can't Thessia be more like Silversun Strip?
Gradually approaching the endgame
Leviathan 3
There is just no way to make this feel like a win 2
I want a happy ending. For god's sake, haven't I earned one?! 2