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Live Blogs A Liveblogging Noob Reads: Paranatural
Weirdguy1492015-04-18 05:05:24

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A bit early, but enjoy.


What's with Isabel and lockers? Goddamn.


So she's both more experienced than Ed and fights with books, not a purse. Good to know.


Oh so it's not a locker, it's a closet. I was confused about that. And that bat looks shiny, I bet he'll use that.


I take that back about this ghost being cute. But at least Isabel's kicking its ass.


Well, I don't know what a grudge is but I'm pretty sure Max will take care of him. Just a guess.


He'll kick its ass with witnesses. Why are they scared of him finding out this way as opposed to telling him outright? Also, called it on the bat.


So Max is black, Isabel is red, Ed is green, and Mr. Spender is yellow. Does Isaac fight or is he usually just Mission Control?


Oh, never mind, Isaac's blue. And hell yeah, he's going to kill him with one swing.


Most. Convincing threat. Ever. I'm gonna start using that in normal conversation. And I'd like to see the Noise happen.


The middle panel is a beautiful shot. Also, roll credits.


I'm not an art expert but I think Isaac did a very good job on those pictures.


I'm thinking Spender and Isabel had prolonged exposure, Ed and Isaac had near-death experiences, and Max had an obnoxious amount of citrus. And what are you talking about, Spender, that is a very accurate drawing of you.


Way to make yourselves look sane, Ed and Isabel. I'm sure Max won't try to run away.

Will this recruitment go like Spender planned it or will Max run away? I'll find out tomorrow.

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