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Live Blogs The War On The Prayer Warriors
Valiona2015-05-11 18:26:50

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TOSC Chapter 16: The Battle Of Moscow Part 1: Rika-ing Havoc

Written By: Thomas
POV: Jerry
Chapter Number: 13
Deaths: Rika(1)

The invasion comes, and the Prayer Warriors stand on the battlefield, waiting for Stalin to make his move; one would think that the Prayer Warriors are generally more proactive than this. Stalin then arrives, wearing black armor and a t-shirt that has the devil on it, causing Jerry to want to punch him in the face (surprisingly mild considering how he deals with most Satanists).

Stalin congratulates the heroes on killing two of his main henchmen, and says that they will now face Rika, who is Idiosy's replacement. In most stories in which the bad guys have several sub-leaders and henchmen, they usually get picked off one by one over the course of the story, or killed in the final battle, seldom being killed and replaced over time.

Rika is described as looking like a "satanic drug addict" like Robert Pattinson, which doesn't sound accurate, especially since the real Rika is female. At the sound of the Prayer Warriors' trumpets, the duel begins.

What happens next is extremely hard to understand, given that the writing is much worse than normal. I will do my best to explain it.

Rika and Jerry charge each other, defending against attacks with their shields, although one gets stabbed and wounded. Rika apparently stabs Jerry in the foot, causing him to fall, then proceeds to wound him further on the ground. However, Rika then drops his weapon, thinking that he's won, and Jerry stabs him in the heart for this, killing him. Rika put in a good showing, considering that, like with Percy, it took the author's help for Jerry to win, this time by throwing Rika the Idiot Ball.

Jerry laughs at Stalin, who, unfazed, says that he will face "Books" next.

Next Installment: Jerry duels with Book, before getting an unpleasant surprise about some of his comrades.

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