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Live Blogs The War On The Prayer Warriors
Valiona2015-05-09 13:16:21

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TOSC Chapter 14: In Which Spelling Goes Out The Window

Written By: Thomas
POV: Jerry
Chapter Number: 11

The exchange between the author and Jesus at the start of the chapter says that Ebony won't be proofreading this time, and it shows ("Thanky Jedus Christ, you are bery welcomed").

A few weeks have passed. Jerry has learned from Annabeth that Percy has been kidnapped in the present (one has to wonder how people send messages to the past), but he has more pressing concerns; Stalin is planning to attack "Moth Cow" with an army.

The Prayer Warriors turn their efforts to Stalin's headquarters in St. Petersburn, which is renamed "Stalin Town" (actually, the city was called Leningrad). Apparently, on top of the author's mistakes, Stalin makes another of his own, calling the city "Satan Town," a mistake the Prayer Warriors believe is deliberate. In any case, their goal is to free the city and convert everyone there.

Clarisse and Grover were sent on an espionage mission there, to determine if Stalin has any "trips up his Jeeves"(which reminds me of the butler robot from World Of Warcaft that, among other things, allows you to repair your gear inside dungeons and raids). Only Clarisse comes back, and you can be forgiven for thinking that Grover died, yet again.

Clarisse says that the trip to Stalin Town took several months, which seems highly implausible given the distance and transportation available to them, although it does seem like an "awful" journey. She says that most of the people are in "Probity" as a result of the Satanists refusing to donate to charity, and she solves the problem by setting up secret churches. Clarisse gave sermons, such as calling people's biological fathers fake and saying that God is their only real father.

Clarisse then reached Stalin Town and stayed there for a few weeks. She decided not to set up churches lest she risk detection. She, however, preached when she could, and advised people to keep praying, even if they had to do so in secret.

Clarisse and Grover found Stalin making plans for war, planning to attack Moscow within a week. Clarisse returned as quickly as possible (one has to wonder how she got there ahead of the army, though), while Grover remained behind to learn what he could.

Jerry thanks Clarisse for the information. He then tells her that he's preparing to arm the Christians to fight the enemy, and he needs her to fight, since she won many battles despite being a woman. It seems no matter how much the female Prayer Warriors accomplish, and in spite of the fact that they often seem more effectual than their male counterparts, they never get anything more than backhanded praise.

Clarisse says yes, and Jerry says that he will be expecting Stalin to attack with dragons from "Suburbia." The spelling error that implies that they're coming from neigborhoods aside, this sounds like an epic battle we'll never get to see. Meanwhile, Jerry tasks Grover with saving the captive Tsar and his family.

Next Installment: Grover and Rachel kill the author's enemies in Stalin Town.

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