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Live Blogs The War On The Prayer Warriors
Valiona2015-02-28 22:33:33

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TEG Chapter 15: One Traitor Exits, Another Traitor Enters

Written By: Thomas, with some help from Noah
POV: Alternating between Jerry and third person POV

The chapter begins with Thomas having come to realize that his critics can do worse than flame him, as his story has apparently gotten deleted. True to form, he insists that he's just helping open other people's eyes to the truth, including that all of America's problems are the fault of atheists.

Jerry is glad to hear that the camp has been converted, and goes to visit it to meet with Percy and the new Prayer wWrriors. Incidentally, the perspective inexplicably switches to Jerry's first person POV midway through the chapter.

Jerry announces that the battle against the evil gods will soon be at hand. He says that those who die fighting will become martyrs and go to Heaven, while those who do not fight are cowards who will allow America to be overrun by religious extremists, particularly Obama. The author endorses Donald Trump for 2012, although one has to wonder whether Trump shares the Prayer Warriors' beliefs at all.

Jerry meets with Percy, who tells him of Chiron's death, how he was buried in the Christian manner and how his murderer (Grover, although the others could be considered accomplices), was apparently hanged for the crime (one has to wonder how they did that with his head cut off), with the death penalty being praised as being just.

But Percy realizes that Jerry didn't come all this way just for that, and introduces the fine Christian men and women, among them, Luke. It should be pointed out that in canon, Luke's the traitor in Camp Half-Blood and one of the main antagonists in the original series, working for Kronos; perhaps Percy and Jerry will regret bringing him into the fold. But in any case, Jerry praises Percy's efforts, but tells them that they have no time to waste, and will now march to make America a Christian nation once again. The men will fight and the women will Stay in the Kitchen and support them.

In the post-chapter author's note, BIC is angry about people getting his age wrong, saying that he's 17, not 10 (one can hardly be blamed for assuming that he's younger than he is, since he certainly doesn't act his age), and that his brother is 13, not 15. He promotes his brother's Prayer Warriors story and complains about liberals taking away the right to bear arms; considering what the Prayer Warriors use their weapons for, gun control can be a good thing.

Next Installment: The Prayer Warriors take their fight to the evil gods, and Jerry takes down two of them.

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