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Live Blogs The Adventure of Failure Shepard or How Not to Play the Mass Effect Trilogy
lrrose2013-05-04 21:08:16

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Silver Coast Casino

The team arrives at Fail Shep's apartment to try to figure what's happening. Brooks tells the others what she knows: with the help of a program she named Mr. Biscuits (after her cat), she learned that someone is trying to steal Fail Shep's identity. Joker figures that Fail Shep could use some backup so he brings some guys who "actually like being shot at" aka EDI and Cortez. And Cortez doesn't even show up in the cutscene.

Liara finally puts her info broker skills to use and learns the identity of the mercs who attacked Fail Shep earlier. The mercs are part of a group of dishonorably discharged Alliance soldiers turned hired guns called CAT6. Recently, CAT6 bought a ton of weapons from a crime lord named Elijah Khan.


Sorry about that. Couldn't resist.

Liara manages to recover a recording of a communication between Khan and a Mysterious Figure. The Mysterious Figure is using a voice disguister, so we'll have to wait a bit to find out what his deal is. We do learn that Khan and the MF had a falling out: the attack on Ryuusei was broadcast on the news and Khan is pissed at the MF because C-SEC might arrest him over this.

Fail Shep figures that Khan can be an ally against the MF. Khan's pretty paranoid, so meeting with him won't be easy. Luckily, he's hosting a big party at his casino, the Silver Coast. EDI manages to get some schematics of the place. Khan is most likely in the casino's safe room. Rushing in arms blazing will probably get Fail Shep a stern lecture from Admiral Hackett, so they'll have to sneak someone through the vents. EDI and Brooks are the only ones with the technical skills to bypass the vent security systems, but the casino has a strict no-mechs policy, so it's up to Brooks. Fail Shep has a choice of one other ally to bring with him to the party. Since EDI is barred from entry and Cortez can't come even though this segment doesn't have any combat, Fail Shep has to choose between Liara and James.

His girlfriend and skilled info broker or an unsubtle meathead?

James it is.

What follows is a rather interesting little segment where Fail Shep has to mingle with guests (or gamble or dance) to avoid arousing suspicion until Brooks can get to Khan. Periodically, Brooks asks Fail Shep for help disabling security systems, which is done through getting James to distract guards and using a tool Liara gives you. Failure means game over, so there's not much I can do to muck this, but Fail Shep does use Liara's tool to hack a few AT Ms. He also wins big at the games, costing the casino money that Khan was planning on donating to refugees.

Brooks manages to get Khan's safe room open from the inside, but the trio find that someone has already killed him. The Mysterious Figure contacts Fail Shep to let him know that he (the MF) is going to take everyone Fail Shep has and everything he is.


Peteman Since: Dec, 1969
May 5th 2013 at 8:17:07 AM
I like the "He also wins big at the games, costing the casino money that Khan was planning on donating to refugees. "
Peteman Since: Dec, 1969
May 6th 2013 at 1:04:52 PM
You know, the sad thing is, MF might actually do better than Fail Shep with saving the galaxy.
ultimatepheer Since: Dec, 1969
May 14th 2013 at 4:32:22 PM
It's not like MF could do Worse than Fail Shep.