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Live Blogs The Game's Just Playing Itself, Jon!
Psyga3152013-02-22 18:56:13

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Scene 3: Eh-eh-e-maaaaaail

Psyga: Alright, so we got out items then? Let’s head off!

Haruto: Where? We don’t have a map!

MYTHIC: I have taken the liberty of running a game of Carcassonne, on the prime condition that I don’t have any blank spaces. The result was this generated world map.

MYTHIC then proceeds to show the two his printed out map.

Psyga: Cool! Hey, can we play Carcassonne after?

MYTHIC: I don’t have to roll to tell you that the answer is no.

Psyga: Doh, all right. Oh, before we begin, I need to ask, is there going to be any wild encounters? You know, like in those RPGs?

Haruto: You’re asking MYTHIC meta questions? I doubt you’re allowed to do that.

MYTHIC: To humour our dear idiot, however, I shall roll anyway.

[Odds: Near sure thing. Chaos Factor: 3. Roll... 42]

MYTHIC: Yeah. There be encounters.

Psyga: Well fuck my donkey.

Haruto: Alright, alright, let’s get going then.

MYTHIC: Very well. Scene 3, begin.

The holograms turn on.

The three heroes exit their town to go on their quest to Draco's castle...

Suddenly, the holograms bug up a bit. {I rolled a 1 in my scene, and thus we’re getting an altered scene}

Psyga: Wait, what the fuck is happening?

MYTHIC: Ah. It seems I’ve begun to glitch.

Psyga: Glitch? You mean something’s changing?

Haruto: Seems like it.

Psyga: Great. I expect we’re not alone in our trip?

[Odds: Likely. Chaos Factor: 3. Roll... 14]

The three heroes exit their town to go on their quest to Draco's castle, when suddenly, the heroes then notice an ogre going into the town.

Haruto: We should talk to him.

Psyga: WHY!? He could be dangerous! And besides, he’s heading into town! We’re gonna be going backwards!

Yui: Interesting analysis, Psyga. MYTHIC, is the Ogre friendly?

[Odds: Somewhat likely. Chaos Factor 3. Roll... 89]

The ogre looks to the heroes after bumping into them.

“Grrrr... What do YOU want?” The Ogre asked, glaring at Olodak.

“Nothing. What do you want with us?” Olodak asked.

“Same as you. Except for the fact that you bumped into me. I’m walking here, damn it!” The Orge said.

Psyga: Okay. If this guy isn’t friendly, we should just kill him for the experience.

Haruto: Wait! We can turn this around! We can probably make peace with him.

Psyga: In case you forgot, our characters don’t exactly have the best diplomatic skills. If I were an Elf Thief however...

Haruto: Here you go again... Well, if we’re going to kill him, then we might as well give him the first strike. If he takes it, we kill him. If not, we leave him be. MYTHIC, does this Ogre strike for something minor as bumping into him?

[Odds: Likely. Chaos Factor 3. Roll... 55. Digits are above Chaos Factor]

“Well, I have no time for this petty crap. I gotta settle some business with some... nosy people.” The Ogre said as he entered the town.

Olodak, meanwhile, kept on going.

“Welp. Not my problem.” Olodak said.

“I don’t know,” Elfalcon said. “He seemed suspicious.”

“I don’t care. King Draco’s my top priority. If you want to handle that thug, then go ahead.” Olodak said.

“Hm... Doubt this should be part of the song. ‘Our heroes stopped in their path, trying to figure out the math...’ Yeah. No. That doesn’t even make sense.” Graceella said.

“Who brought the poet here?” Olodak asked.

“Hey! I came on my own free will! I have a rabid fanbase and I’m not afraid to use them! I’ll sing songs about how you harassed me and they’ll mount the offensive on you!” She said.

Olodak turned to face Graceella, making sure she sees his body, muscular and strong. “Oh. I am so scared.” He said.

[Intimidate Check: Olodak: 14. Graceella: 12]

“On second thought... Perhaps I should... Maybe wait before we survive.” Graceella said as she retracted her threat. Elfalcon looked at the orc with only hate. Olodak looked to Elfalcon and smirked.

Haruto: Someone’s being a dick today.

Psyga: Well, what can I say? I aim to please.

“Look, the Ogre isn’t our concern. It’s the dragon king. We can worry about him after we’re done putting Draco’s head on the pike.” Olodak said.

“Why do you have some burning hatred for him anyways?” Elfalcon asked.

“... It’s none of your business.” Olodak said.

“Really? Because you care about the murder of Draco than the rescuing of the daughter. I wish to know.” Elfalcon said.

[Diplomacy Check: Olodak: 6. Elfalcon: 14]

“Very well. You want to know that badly? I was an assistant to his court wizard. After a letter was given to Draco about a traitor, he instantly accused and executed him on the spot. He then gunned for me next. I killed the guards and headed for the hills. Spent the past year or so hiding out and taking up the jobs no one else wished to take. This was just my lucky day.” Olodak said.

“Hm... Alright. I’ll buy it. But if you do something that jeopardizes the mission, you’re not gonna be killing any dragons.” Elfalcon said.

“OH YEAH!?” Olodak said, trying to size up to Elfalcon.

[Intimidate Check: Olodak: 12. Elfalcon: 20.]

Elfalcon wasn’t intimidated by him, however. He instead picked a ring out from his belt, a green one, and then placed it on his finger. He then rubbed it.

Gust of Wind!” The ring said as it emitted a gust of wind towards Olodak.

Haruto: You gotta learn that intimidation will get you only so far.

Psyga: Meh, I took it as far as I could.

Haruto: Does Olodak get knocked back by the wind?

[Odds: Likely. Chaos Factor: 3. Roll... 1]

The gust created was much larger than Haruto could have predicted. Elfalcon pointed his ring south, and so, Olodak was knocked [Roll... 10] ten feet across the field. He soon knocked into what looked to be a church.

[Fortitude Save to make sure he didn’t get hurt = 10]

Olodak got up without a single scratch. He was dirty, but more or less was okay.

MYTHIC: SCENE COMPLETE. One NPC added. Chaos Factor hard to determine.

Psyga: Gee, I wonder why.

Haruto: Heh...

Psyga: You laugh now, buddy.

Yui: Mental analysis suggests that Psyga is very arrogant and rude, but otherwise is okay.

Haruto and Psyga: Nah, ya think?

MYTHIC: Because you were bickering over one NPC encounter, I decided the situation was out of your control. Chaos Factor increased by one.

Psyga: Well whoopee-fucking-do. Least I lived... and we’re closer to our goal. Where is the castle again?

MYTHIC then highlights the dungeon where King Draco and the daughter are currently... at the other end of the map. Coincidentally, he added the thread count by one.

Psyga: Have I told you all to fuck my donkey yet?

Threads added:

  • Get to Draco's Castle.

NPCs added:

  • Ogre

Chaos Factor 4

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