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TotemicHero2012-07-29 20:34:25

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Let's return to Rhea's craaaaazy afterlife adventure, shall we?

Page 6:

Death greets the purple furry as Buwaro, explaining that he has a "surprise" for the guy; he's now in charge of Rhea! Rhea's response, of course, is to mock him, asking if he's even a demon. Death points out (in the background) that Buwaro is a fire demon.

Rhea, of course, just keeps making fun of the guy, pointing out his purple fur. Glad to know I'm not the only one who finds that ridiculous.

Of course, Buwaro is less than happy, and asks Big Daddy Death if he can "do it now". Death is ambivalent, leaving it up to Buwaro, who promptly gets a twinkle in his eyes and lets out one hell of an Evil Laugh.

Page 7:

Buwaro's masterful evil stepping on Rhea's tail. Rhea reacts by asking why he did that. Rather than point out the obvious reasoning that he was getting her back for her teasing, he instead declares that it's his duty as a demon supervisor to do things like that.

Clearly Buwaro has never read "Torture for Dummies".

Rhea, of course, is pissed. With throbbing veins and glowing eyes, she launches a fierce counterattack, pouncing on Buwaro. While they wrestle off-panel, Death is basically standing there, thinking the comic equivalent of "WTF?", with the traditional three dots.

You'd think Death could find better help than this.

Page 8:

After Rhea lands a bite on Buwaro's head, they apparently decide to settle their argument by playing Rock-Paper-Scissors. No, I'm not making this up. The comic actually jumps from the bite panel to the Rock-Paper-Scissors panel, where Rhea wins. Then, Buwaro starts choking Rhea, apparently ticked off that she beat him at a game of (in theory) pure luck.

However, their debate gets interrupted with a shouted "Farewell, you two." Yep, Death got so fed up with them fighting, he just took off and left them to fight. Just to rub the salt in, he throws in an additional "Try to get along."

Stay classy, Death, stay classy.

Rhea and Buwaro are so caught off guard by Death trolling them like that, that they just stand there for a minute, and then give up on their fight. Buwaro offers to show Rhea around, which she agrees to.

Meanwhile, a mysterious figure watches the shore where they are, from atop a cliff. Oh no, it's a Dramatic Tension Moment (TM)!

Page 9:

Rhea finally figures out the Ring of the Slighly Damned is nothing more than a bunch of rocks. Being bored, she then asks Buwaro what he does for fun around here.

The next panel timeskips to one hour later, when Buwaro has finally thought of something (while Rhea naps). Come on, he can't really be that dumb, can he?

Buwaro then claims to show her a game he invented himself: playing catch with a rock. How original. He then demonstrates by tossing a rock up in the air...only for it to come crashing down on his head.

Okay, maybe he really is that dumb. At least, that's the impression Rhea is getting, and I'm inclined to agree.

Page 10:

Rhea, being curious, asks Buwaro if knows magic. Buwaro's response is "Huh?"

Yes, folks, he really is that stupid (and no, this in no way is supposed to be for exposition's sake), and he'll be here all comic.

Rhea then goes into detail about what magic can do, looking a little unhealthily obsessive about the whole thing before letting out her own Evil Laugh. Uh, yeah, we get it, you like magic. Calm down, and step away from the fire demon.

While Rhea calms herself down, Buwaro boasts that he can in fact breathe fire. He then calls out "Watch this!"

Famous Last Words if I ever heard them.

He takes a deep breath, and...proceeds to blow a raspberry. Rhea, apparently not having completed her "make fun of Buwaro" quota, proceeds to burst out laughing at him as he grimaces in disgust.

Is Buwaro totally incompetent? Is Rhea going to narrow her quota, or will she continue to make fun of this purple furry oaf? And will Death ever come back, knowing these two are here? Stay tuned.

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