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Live Blogs Let's Play FFIV: The After Years
SomeColorMage2012-03-17 20:25:01

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Return of the Dragoon

Well, it's all linear from here guys. The next chapter is Kain's Tale. Let's begin.

You can play this story using your clear data from certain stories you have completed. Would you like to load your clear data?

And here's where completing all 7 previous tales become important. You can import data into the later tales, with all the stats, items, and in some cases player characters that were in them. For now, we can only import Ceodore's Tale, but the other 6 will be imported in a later tale.

It should also be noted that in the Wii Ware version, Kain's and Ceodore's Tales were mashed together into one tale, despite this one being pretty spoiler-y for some of the earlier tales. Oh well, let's get started.

We start at Mount Ordeals.

Kain: ...

That's the opening cutscene. Hmm. Well, we've got no reason to be here, let's head out. Kain starts at level 30 and is equipped with all Mythril equipment and a Wind Spear, more than enough to annhilate everything on this mountain.

Kain: (I can't leave this mountain. Not yet...)


Kain: !? Who's there...? (There's someone else here besides me?)

Well, that was pretty clearly Kluya, let's start heading to his grave. As we make our way up, he talks to us again.


Kain: (I'm sure I heard it... It was faint, but there was definitely a voice...)

As we loot the place, we find more pieces of Mythril Equipment, nothing Kain needs. We make it to Kluya's grave.

You... will...

Kain: ...It's close.

We examine the grave.

Kain: (Is it coming from this monument?)

You, too, will...

Into the paladin-making room.

Kain: From here...!?

You, too, will... intense pain... Just as my... did before...

Kain: What?

The end of...

Speak louder, we can not hear you.

Kain: Who are you!?

Another dragoon emerges from the mirror wall.

Kain: !

He rushes us, then fade to white. Next thing we know, we're near the top of the mountain.

???: Aaahhh!

Kain: !?

We rush up the mountain to see Porom under attack!

Kain: (A white mage!)

Porom: Look at all of them! We're hopelessly outnumbered!

Kain the jumps in and kills the whole lot of enemies.

Porom: Kain!

Kain: Have we met before?

Porom: I am Porom, white mage of Mysidia.

We know how this ends. We skip ahead to when Kain stole the Water Crystal.

Kain: Is this what you're looking for?

Mysterious Girl: This is it - the real thing.

Kain: It's yours.

Porom: Wait... Kain!?

Mysterious Girl: A wise choice.

Kain: On one condition, though.

Mysterious Girl: What?

Kain: I'll give it to you only after I finish what I set out to do.

Mysterious Girl: And what is that?

Kain: An audience with the king of Baron.

Mysterious Girl: For what purpose?

Kain: To take his life... I will kill Cecil with my own hands!

Porom: !

Mysterious Girl: Understood. Bring the Crystal with you.

She heads towards the Devil's Road. We start to follow.

Porom: Kain!

Kain jumps to the door. We have to go through this place again, following her the entire way.

Kain: Who are you, anyway?

Mysterious Girl: All in due time.

We start on the path and find a Mythril Sword. Pretty nice. Another nice thing is that Kain is immune to the damage tiles, so no stupid hurting ourself to get treasure crap.

Kain: What happened to Cecil?

Mysterious Girl: As the king of Baron, he's perfectly fine.

The path has also rearranged itself to be linear, so we can get all the treasure without getting lost. Also nice. More Mythril stuff, and we catch up to her again.

Kain: Tell me one thing, at least. Why are you collecting the Crystals?

Mysterious Girl: There's no need for you to know.

More walking.

Mysterious Girl: And who are you?

Kain: A dragoon. Ex-Baron.

Mysterious Girl: I see.

We pass the halfway point and go to the second half of the dungeon, which is still the same stupid gimmicky crap when Ceodore went through it. We emerge in Baron. From there, we head for the castle.

Soldier: No one may pass... Orders from the king...

Mysterious Girl: Let him in.

We're allowed in and head into the castle. We try to head to the throne room, but she stops us.

Mysterious Girl: Cecil's in here.

Kain: I know.

Mysterious Girl: Let me ask you again. What do you plan to do when you see Cecil?

Kain: Nothing has changed. Cecil will die by my hands!

Mysterious Girl: I see.

We head into the throne room. Empty.

Kain: Where is he?

Mysterious Girl: First, I wish to test your resolve.

Kain: I've told you already. I intend to kill him.

Mysterious Girl: But can you?

Kain: Of course.

Mysterious Girl: Give me your Crystal.

Kain: I will... once my business is done. As agreed upon.

Mysterious Girl: The Crystal's that important to you?

Kain: You can crush the thing to pieces for all I care. All that matters to me is putting an end to Cecil's life!

Mysterious Girl: Why do you hate him so much?

Kain: None of your concern.

Mysterious Girl: Then you won't mind getting two more Crystals for me.

Kain: What?

Mysterious Girl: Do that and I'll arrange an audience with Cecil for you.

Kain: ...Fine.

Mysterious Girl: I still need the Wind and Fire Crystals.

Kain: Then I head for Fabul and Damcyan.

Mysterious Girl: I will lend you an airship and a company of soldiers.

Kain: Fair enough...

I didn't think a conversation between the two villains we've met so far could be so bland. We head outside and get on the airship provided. We tell the captain to leave and head for Fabul.


We cut to Mist.

Ceodore: I heard that the path ahead has been blocked since the mountain caved in.

Hooded Man: You heard that over in Baron?

Ceodore: Y-yes, but...

Hooded Man: Perfect. We'll proceed due east from the village.

Ceodore: W-wait a minute!

Okay, let's leave things there for now. See you next time.


Hooded Man: Lv 41 HP:2244 MP:109 Strength:51 Speed:32 Stamina:44 Intellect:9 Spirit:24 Attack:72 (9x90% Accuracy) Defence:59 (6x10% Evasion) Magic Defence:4 (2x6% Evasion)

Ceodore: Lv 42 HP:1936 MP:239 Strength:45 Speed:31 Stamina:40 Intellect:18 Spirit:32 Attack:71 (7x90% Accuracy) Defence:54 (5x26% Evasion) Magic Defence:8 (1x12% Evasion)

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