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Live Blogs Let's Raid A Dungeon!
Psyga3152012-03-09 20:20:18

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Room Two: The Rival

When we last left off our heroes... they... got their asses handed to them. No thanks to the dice. So for the next room (the first room had nothing in there but those skeletons, and seeing as they’re gone) it’s not gonna have monsters in them. So in a way, this is a Breather Episode. Alright, let’s get started.

Morning came as Drew, Cora, and Barendd all hear the sounds of fighting. (Everyone bar Alice all made the DC check of 10. Drew gets a special mention because he rolled a 21, a fifteen plus his six bonus points) They immediately wake up and also wake up Alice.

Alice: What’s happening?

Cora: Someone’s already in that dungeon!

Cora runs into the dungeon, as do the other party members. They get past the glassed room that had the skeletons and enter the second room. They see a dwarf woman cleaving a lizard-like creature with a poleaxe, then stabbing the other in a split second.

Dwarven Woman: Hah! Another victory to the great and mighty Eins! (Oh great. Our Boisterous Bruiser is in the house)

Barendd: Another Dwarf?

Barendd steps forward. Eins suddenly faces him.

Eins: Oh, come to take my treasures? (God Damn It!)

However, Cora steps up.

Cora: No! Wait! We’re not here to steal your treasures! I’m only here for a rare jewel! The others are just my bodyguards! [Dual Diplomacy Check: Cora = 6, Eins = 8. Eins wins]

Eins: I’m not convinced. Leave the dungeoning to me. I don’t want to see your ugly faces in this dungeon, got it? (Okay... Not a bruiser... Just Gary Oak if he was a midget and was a girl)

Eins then leaves the room through the closed door. She puts her ear up to the door and tries to listen. [Listen DC = 10. Eins = 6. Fail]. She then charged through the door.

Cora: Damn it! After her! (Why weren't you after her before, when she was taking her sweet ass time with the door?)

Drew: Why? We should just let her do all the busy work of slaying monsters.

Cora: You fool! If she gets to the jewel before we do, she will sell the jewel somewhere and I will never find it!

Barendd: I also agree. She puts up a fight. I like that kind of fight. (Great... Barendd’s getting his Blood Knight tendencies in check...)

Alice: Are you crazy, Barendd? Those monsters will rip you open if you try to follow her! You saw how badly we did against those skeletons! (Though that's only because the dice was being a bitch. The skeletons were about 1/3 difficult and have six HP)

Cora: Alice, we knew the risks when we first entered this dungeon.

Drew: In any case, I say we should just relax for a while. There seems to be tons of stuff in this room for us to explore... (Making a Diplomacy check. Drew always seems to have a silver tounge) [Dual Diplomacy Check: Drew = 18 (!), Cora = 4. Drew wins]

Cora: Fine. Scour what you can, but we’re wasting time by being here. (Don’t worry, all this searching is just gonna take a minute. No really.)

The heroes begin to walk to their destinations.

Cora: I will check this large statue.

Alice: I will look at the chest!

Drew: There’s bound to be something lying with these walls.

Barendd: And I will loot corpses! (And I will shout what I am about to do!)

Cora looks at the statue.

Cora: Hm... This is an old god that Kobolds worshiped. Pyros, the Dragon of Fire. I wonder what’s so special about it...

Cora then touches the statue. Suddenly, the statue springs to life for a brief second before freezing again. It’s head is pointing to a wall that Drew was nearing. (Oh, I’m sure that won’t be important) Alice nears the chest.

Alice: I think I can make it!

Alice then steps on one floor and suddenly; small spikes come up, stabbing Alice’s foot. (They damage her for three points of damage; however, since she set it off, she gains 120 EXP)

Alice: OW! (Shit!)

Drew then rushes to her.

Drew: Crap... Spike traps... Don’t worry, just pull your foot out of the spikes. (Dude! Those spikes are on her goddamn foot! They will hurt like a bitch!) I’ll hold the floor down with my hand.

Alice then does just that and walks over to the treasure.

Alice: Okay... This chest needs a key...

Barendd: I found a key from these Kobolds, along with this spear and crossbow. (CONVENIENCE!) Maybe it will work.

Barendd walks over to the others and hands Alice the key. Alice then puts the key in the chest and unlocks it. Inside was 80 gold. (DAH DAH DAH DAAAAAAAAH)

Alice: Nice! Splitting it four ways, called it! (Yay)

Cora: Good, now, stop wasting time and head on over to the next room!

Drew: Wait, let me finish checking the walls.

Cora: Drew, this isn’t the time to be looking for hidden walls.

Drew goes to one of the walls and begins to feel it. [Search DC: 20. Drew = 20. Success!] He soon runs his hands against some very brittle stone.

Drew: Wait! I feel something!

Drew gets out his dagger and begins to hack away at the stone. Barendd notices this and then walks over to him.

Barendd: Allow me.

He gets his waraxe and attempts to smash it. [Strength DC: 10. Barendd = 11. Success!] He hacks the wall with his axe as it created a large crack on the wall. When Barendd pulled the axe out, the wall crumbled down, revealing a room. (Secret Found)

Cora: A secret room... Interesting... We’re heading in there.

Cora and the others rush into the small door leading to the secret room.

There. That was much better. The dice was cooperative, and nobody got hurt... Well, Alice had some spikes go up her foot, but they’re not that bad. So far, Drew is becoming my favourite over Cora, but Alice is now trailing behind Drew. Eins is between Barennd and Cora however. What will the secret door lead too? Find out next time!

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