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Live Blogs Let's Play Touhoumon Aqua+Yui Version
raigakuren2011-08-03 19:28:45

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Route 22! Second Rival Battle!

"Grrr, why the hell is the gym leader not here!? It's their job to be at their Gym to..lead it!!! Gah, might as well check what other Gym's are nearby..."

Pulling out my map I find out the next closest city with a gym would be the 'Pewter City gym', just beyond the 'Viridian Forest'.

"Kay, I guess that's gonna be my next destination. But first maybe I can head down to Route 22 to catch some more Touhou..."

-A Captured Medicine and Yukari later-

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Rai?"

"Can't you see I'm trying to catch some Touhou and train...and then out comes you so suddenly."

"Just checking on you. How about we have a battle then. Both of us could benefit from it."

"Your on, but I got way better since our fight at the lab."

"So have I. Go Aya!"

"If you wanna do it like that then go 'Sanae'!"

"Aya, 'Quick Attack'!"

A direct hit, 'Sanae' takes it well and counters with a water gun attack which is also a hit.

"C'mon, 'Aya', 'Sand Attack'."

"Think that's gonna do anything, Sanae! 'Whirlpool'!"

'Aya' dodges and suddenly swoops in with a peck attack., knocking out 'Sanae'.

"No way, that Aya's fast. How is that so?"

"Hmm, you don't know Aya's ability is Speed Boost. It makes Aya faster the longer the battle lasts.

"Well, you get the first round I guess. Go Reimu!"

"'Quick Attack'!"

"Reimu dodge and use 'Seal Needle'!

Reimu is able to quickly jump out of the way above Aya. A barrage of needle danmaku hits its mark at Aya. Aya quickly crash lands in pain.

"Yes, I think it's paralyzed. Okay, Reimu finish it off with Jump Kick!"

Aya has fainted.

"Not bad, not bad. Now you may remember this girl. Marisa."

"Your first Touhou. Okay, Reimu we can beat her again. Seal Needle!"

"Thundershock Marisa!"

The two attacks collide in midair creating an explosion. A couple of the danmaku from both sides manage to get through to hit their target, through the smoke. Ceasing the opportunity, Reimu charged through the smoke.

"Crap, where's she gonna come from? Marisa keep your eyes sharp."

A sudden gust of wind blow's towards Marisa. Now's my chance!

"Reimu! Use Jump Kick!

Reimu jumps and scores a critical hit on Marisa. She is instantly knocked out.

"No way, I got CAVED again? Well, Rai you did get better. But I will too in the future just you wait!"

"We'll see, we'll see."

Commentary: Well schools coming this week so it'll probably be a while before the next installment comes out. I've already reached Cerulean City at the time so I just have to write about that.

My Yukari has been nicknamed Yukarin and Medicine is Medi. (I'm terrible with nicknames XD)

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