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Live Blogs Makai Kingdom: So it shall be written, so it shall be liveblogged
WillyFourEyes2011-12-03 09:20:37

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38: Remember to Beat Your Vegetables!

Happy Dungeon 3

There's just one more Happy dungeon for the group to explore. This set of Happy Bluebird dolls is more aggressive than the last few bunches, and they start by approaching the warehouse that Zetta has laid down. Lamont decides to show off the power of the new Justice Gear by zapping them with its giant frontal laser cannon. Steve kills the other one before it gets a chance to use its hammer.

"I hear that in the hands of those monsters," says Mugen, "those hammers can make you dumber."

With that done, Steve and crew prepare to do Zetta's bidding in spite of The One watching over them. When Zetta enters Micky's netherworld, he sees a group of living vegetables. The leader, a corn man, demands to know what Zetta's doing there. He, of course, responds by telling them that he's the Freakin' Overlord. Corn guy had no idea there even was an Overlord. "I thought we were an autonomous collective," he says. Zetta offers them a reprieve if they decide to run away, but doesn't attack, knowing that The One could mess his day up big time.

The corn guy is offended, and he and his carrot buddies smack Zetta around a bit, which makes Zetta very angry.

Stage 7-1: Micky's Harvest

The initial field is populated with level 30-ish Corn and Carrot monsters, with a Foods Market in the back that can produce (pun intended) more of them at will. Steve and his gang take out the monsters outside of the market, but have to rely on the strength of the Justice Gear's laser cannon to take out the facility itself. The veggie monsters, while supposedly working for a pushover of an overlord, show Zetta that they mean business by destroying the warehouse.

"That's, what, the sixth time that's happened now? Seventh?" says Meredith. "You should really think about getting that replaced."

"I'm working on it, okay?" says Steve.

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