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Live Blogs Getting Your Edge Back: A Skating Liveblog
TheGirlWithPointyEars2011-02-11 13:27:39

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It's a lovely sunny day out today, which means I was indeed able to get in all three scheduled days of skating this week. But... bad girl... again, I haven't done much else. I'm also not feeling like I'm making a lot of progress, which getting more exercise in general might help with - it's always easier to work on harder and more energetic stunts if you feel well, strong and healthy in general. So, I think I'm going to need to hit the treadmill more.

The other possibilities are that I just don't want to, psychologically, push myself harder for that next step because I fear broken bones - which is a definite possibility if I have a bad fall at high speed. Or that I really need to work on technique and get it down just right so I have a really solid foundation to work from for a next step. I know I've written about not feeling like I've made progress before... and that this might go a lot easier if I had a coach. :p

Um... anybody still reading this? :p

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