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Live Blogs Ryochi watches The Legend Of Korra Book 4
RyochiMayeabara2014-10-10 17:27:16

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Hello all! I have moved to liveblogging about Book 4 after my choice to not fill up The Legend of Korra page with my episode reviews.

So if you don't know me..I am Ryochi Mayeabara. The guy who seems to constantly find himself holding the unpopular opinion. But you know what. I don't give a shit. So there.

Anyways, onto the episode!


I personally thought it was very, very interesting to see the psychological effects that Season 3 had on Korra and seeing her very slow path to recovery.

Making Korra look like she recovered, then show that its her mind that's keeping her from being the way she is not the body, is a brilliant idea and is well-executed in this episode.

(Personal Pro (something I personally find to be an accomplishment)) Not resolving all of this through a Deus Ex Machina. That's a first (I'm including the first series but they weren't as bad)

The apparition that follows Korra (whether it is an apparition or not) is a great way to show how this is affecting her psychologically and how she seeks to grow back into the person she was.

It's a no brainer I know but this episode deserves special mention for some great looking animation. The scenes where the apparition show up come to mind.

(Personal Pro) Hearing Katara describe Aang's whole journey and development in one sentence is really satisfying to me.


Sigh. Look, if you're going to add Toph, please let her have some actual impact. Please guys. I'm tired of this trend of adding in the previous characters and having half of them have no meaningful impact on the plot or the characters(except Katara)

(Very minor Personal Con) Seeing the spirit animals devolve from threatening spirits of nature to cutsey critters is quite unsatisfying. Especially since they promised to explore this in Book 3 (which they only did in the first two episodes. But I still liked that season don't get me wrong.)

(a flaw that I kinda agree with) Why is Korra still so impatient? After everything she has learned? Maybe it's a part of her personality not the way she actually acts?


I tried to find more flaws in this episode...but you know what? I personally thought it was a great episode. It clearly explores Korra's psychological state after the events of Book 3 (Williamson K said this should have been done in Season 1. He's not wrong you know. Oh well, more wasted potential for a great idea. Too bad the Deus ex Machina stopped that. Oh well, better late than never.) to a really great degree. I may even say it is by far one of the best episodes in the series (My favorite is "Original Airbenders". Cause its a no-brainer that I find him to be the most well-developed character in this series.). I find it to be focused more on the characterization of Korra, which this series really needed and delivered brilliantly.

Watching her deal with this apparition as she tries her very best to get better and losing so many fights in this season, is very heartbreaking (not for me since I've seen worse but I imagine it must be sad for some people. But that doesn't mean I didn't care. I did care for a character besides Tenzin and Zaheer...and probably Lin....) since it shows just how she is still an emotional wreck for three years even after she has healed. Her uselessness really affected her for all of these years, and now she can't even fight in a sparring match without being reminded of Zaheer. I believe that this could be a very realistic way of showing just how long the process of recovery is and how it may affect some people. I believe that her character arc is probably to take her suffering and grow from it. To do it without using her status as the Avatar as a way to gain authority and strength. To find strength within herself.

That probably sounded like complete gibberish but whatever....

The animation deserves some special mention since there is one scene that is really well animated. (The scene where Korra sees the apparition in the swamp) I just wanted to point that out.

The only three cons that slightly brought it down is Toph. Like my god, what a way to make the fanboys and girls go wild. I swear, she better not get slapped away like piece of trash like Zuko when he faced the Red Lotus. And make her have meaningful impact. Zuko barely had any impact in the plot on Season 3 and since she was introduced so early, she better have some kind of impact on Korra's development or the plot. Or maybe both. Choose.

Seeing the spirit animals again. It just reminded me of a plot thread that was dropped like it was hot in Season 3. Yeah sure, they explored the impact....for two episodes. What? That's it? Why didn't we see exactly how the world is reacting to this? Why do people catch them and keep them as pets as if they are Pokemon? Why would you drop this?

The last one, is seeing Korra continue to act like the same temperamental brat she was in Seasons 1 and 2. Ugh. I thought she became more patient and understanding? Maybe it's in her more serious moments not during calmer moments like these. But still, I believe that throughout Seasons 1, 2, and 3 and though the course of three years...she should have become a little more patient. But it is very minor since I understand that it is a long process and it is ok to be frustrated. It really is. And anyone who goes through what she goes through would be pretty frustrated.

Overall I give this episode from a scale of Godawful, Shameful Display, Painfully Average, Mediocre, Decent, Good, and Great...........

A solid Great despite the flaws. This is something that was completely missing from most of the series and something that I am glad they addressed. Its these types of character exploration episodes that made me like the characters of The Last Airbender so much and I am glad that they are following in its footsteps while still giving itself its original touch. So hats off to you Korra Team.

Now to wait for episode 3...................


WilliamsonK Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 25th 2014 at 9:10:11 PM
I nearly reached for my gun this episode. That may sound serious, but you're talking to the guy who hates Meelo and Ikki as much as Star Wars fans hated Jar Jar Binks and bratling Anakin. It also seems that Meelo is being used to shoehorn in one of the creator's random drawings, either that or Meelo just draws better than Bryke.

Aaaand we have another cute animal side kick in the already too long list of cute animal side kicks (including but not limited to: Naga, Pabu, Meelo's Lemur, pretty much every frickin' spirit, Bumi's rabbit, etc.)

I was holding my breath at the part when Ikki discovers the logging camp, partly in hope that they would bring back Hebai, a spirit you can actually take seriously and maybe tie into the ruthlessly industrial aspect of Kuvira's empire, and partly in dread that they would pull a Ferngully on us. Neither happened, so I guess it cancels out...I guess.

Aaaaand Toph shares Radagast's love of mushrooms in addition to Yoda's taste in real-estate. She also seems to disappear without address to why she moved to the swamp in the first place. Though she did more to help Korra and acted more in character throughout her screen time, I can envision her meeting Zuko in group therapy for discarded characters. "My name is Toph." "Hiiiiii Toph."

Other than that, the part with Korra in it was great, though I was expecting Korra's experience with the Banyan tree to connect to her to the world and have an intense spiritual moment instead of just telephoning the Three Stooges.

As for what Nostalgia critic said: Bryke can apologize all they want, but seasons 1-3 happened (I'm counting season 3 as polished feces, though polished it still felt like a huge waste of time). Season 4 came too late to save the show in my eyes and it has only just started. That is further punctuated by the tarnished quality of this episode and it's hand in interrupting the flow of good to semi-good episodes we were enjoying.
Valiona Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 29th 2014 at 4:23:52 PM
As someone who found Season 1 decent but not up to the original series, and Season 2 somewhat disappointing, I'm less than enthusiastic about the other two seasons, and what I've read so far has done little to disprove that. Do you(WilliamsonK, the author of the liveblog and anyone else who would like to weigh in) agree with this perspective on the two more recent seasons of Legend of Korra?
AfroWarrior27 Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 30th 2014 at 11:25:47 AM
Valiona, I really wouldn't take Williamson K and this liveblog as truth for the quality for Book 3 & 4. It's universally agreed that Book 3 and so far 4 was a major step up.

These two just nitpick the series to death. And seriously Williamson K? Book 3 was polished feces? It's clear you hate the show so why even bother. =/
WilliamsonK Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 30th 2014 at 6:46:46 PM
Alright, I may have been exaggerating. Season 3 was an improvement over season 2 and the latter parts of season 1, but it just felt like a wild goose chase in terms of character development. And yes, I'm rather disappointed with it, but as a sequel to one of my favorite shows I will naturally watch it out of curiosity for how the continuity of the franchise will turn out.

As for nitpicking: Yes, I can be really harsh on Lo K sometimes, but it had a tough act to follow and didn't deliver in my opinion. Some of the things I point out range in relevance, but regardless the show does have flaws that bring down its storytelling potential, despite the "universal" agreement of this show's claques. As for Ryochi's commentary, he's displayed far more patience and fairness for the show's quality than I have so reserve your anger for me.

And I'm sorry for using that particular term to describe season 3, but after witnessing the return of something just as gross in Meelo and his insufferable fart-bending after the 4th season had given us some wonderful character development for Korra, I wasn't particularly in the mood to sing it a paean.
AfroWarrior27 Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 30th 2014 at 11:08:08 PM
Those are hardly justified reason to give the entire series rip for a moment that occur for like what? Three Seconds?

And you're nitpicking are horrible, like seriously so what if Korra isn't on the original series pedestal it still a good and entertaining show in it's own right. We all know you didn't judge the original series so harshly so it makes no sense to whine at minor things Korra does.

And that's just silly so because of brief fart joke which is eye rolling at best, you're going to rant about the entire series being a disappointment? That is such a petty thing to get worked up over.

I'm starting to see why you guys don't comment on the thread. You complain about things nobody cares about and you make mountains out of molehills.
RyochiMayeabara Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 31st 2014 at 3:41:58 AM
Afro Warrior 27:

We'll he's right about one thing. Don't think that our opinions are clear cut answers about the quality of the series. This is true. This is only an opinion.

Plus I already explained why I feel that Seasons 1 and 2 isn't as good as Seasons 3 and 4 in terms of storytelling. So I won't even bother unless someone asks.

Please explain what exactly I am nitpicking because I am still working on that. I really don't see what I nitpicked in this episode because these are legitimate flaws.

"And that's just silly so because of brief fart joke which is eye rolling at best, you're going to rant about the entire series being a disappointment? That is such a petty thing to get worked up over."

-When the heck did I mention anything about fart jokes? Like seriously, when? My beef with the Airbender kids isn't just the fact that they make bad jokes, my BEEF is that they make bad jokes AND took up most of the screentime in this episode. They serve no purpose besides being comic relief in trying to find Korra.

"I'm starting to see why you guys don't comment on the thread. You complain about things nobody cares about and you make mountains out of molehills."

-No I point out legitimate flaws because nothing is perfect regardless of how good it is. And I only recall pointing out a few flaws in the past episodes anyways.


"As someone who found Season 1 decent but not up to the original series, and Season 2 somewhat disappointing, I'm less than enthusiastic about the other two seasons, and what I've read so far has done little to disprove that. Do you(Williamson K, the author of the liveblog and anyone else who would like to weigh in) agree with this perspective on the two more recent seasons of Legend of Korra?"

If you haven't left and you still wish to know my opinion...I find Season 3 to still have flaws but is otherwise a major improvement from the previous seasons in my opinion. Season 4 seems to be even better than Season 3. It Improves on its characterization and storytelling and is better than any of the previous seasons as a result. Regardless of what happens later on, these episodes will stand as a sign of improvement.

So yeah, give Seasons 3 and 4 a watch but just warning you, this episode is one of the weaker ones.

Williamson K (I'll reply to you later sorry...)
AfroWarrior27 Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 31st 2014 at 4:21:54 AM
You point out legitimate flaws? Please because i'm sure "Jinora has a weird voice." is such a legimate flaw.

And it silly you need to claim you find season 3 has flaw. Everything has flaws even the original series, flaws an anything is to be expected, there's no such thing as a story with no flaws.
RyochiMayeabara Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 31st 2014 at 8:31:39 AM

Excuse any spelling mistakes I am typing on my phone.

I recall jinora having a really weird voice whenever she talked in this episode. I cant really explain it but whoever is voice acting her isnt really doing a good job...

"And it silly you need to claim you find season 3 has flaw. Everything has flaws even the original series, flaws an anything is to be expected, there's no such thing as a story with no flaws."

Oh you want me to be specific now? Fine. I Probably should have said that there were a few GLARING flaws in season 3. You happy now?

Plus I already said that I dont think anything is perfect so why are you repeating what I just said?

And I know about the flaws in the original series. I'm just saying that they aren't as bad as this series' flaws. Maybe the love subplot in the original wasn't well handled. But it was better than the shameful love triangle in seasons 1 and 2 of the legend of korra. The original had deus ex machinas for sure, but they dont interfere with the characterization unlike this series.

So dont go telling me that nothing is perfect. I know that.
AfroWarrior27 Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 31st 2014 at 8:46:31 AM
I bet those so called glaring flaws in Season 3 are just one of your personal nitpicks.

AfroWarrior27 Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 31st 2014 at 8:48:37 AM
And also don't try to justify Dues Ex Machinas in the original series, that you simply showing your biased.
Valiona Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 31st 2014 at 9:07:00 AM
Those are some interesting comments all around. I'll consider Season 3 by the time it comes out on DVD, but my enthusiasm for Legend of Korra is still fairly low.
WilliamsonK Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 31st 2014 at 6:24:36 PM
We never said our interpretations of the show's quality were the set-in-stone gospel truth, Ryochi, though it seems a few among the crusading legions of Lok's sycophants think otherwise of our criticisms.

Afro Warrior 27- No, I think by glaring flaws, he means GLARING FLAWS. He's been careful to distinguish between those and his MINOR nitpicks in the past. And he wasn't trying to justify ATLA's Dues Ex Machinas either.

And if Star Wars fans have license to complain about the cheap toilet humor Jar Jar Binks indulged in (not to mention the tastes-like-diabetes Ewoks) then, get the idea. And that's not what makes me rant about the entire series being a disappointment, it's some parts of the series BEING a disappointment to me that make me rant about it being a disappointment. But hey, it's just my opinion.

Besides, both I and Ryochi have acknowledged the great strides this season has been taking so far, we're just pointing out how jar-jarring this particular episode was in the list of great ones we've been getting so far.

Listen, I can understand if hearing our critiques (mine in particular, sorry If I sound like a vehement jerk) is aggravating, but there's a difference between saying you enjoy something despite it's flaws and going on a crusade against those who's opinions or criticisms are as valid as anyone else's.

But I have recently become beleaguered by this Jihad, having a laundry list of things to do on my plate and (as some of you will no doubt be relieved to hear) I plan on hanging up my kepi and scimitar, bothering only to check in on the odd occasion. So farewell and Happy Halloween. Thanks for putting up with me, Ryochi.
RyochiMayeabara Since: Dec, 1969
Nov 1st 2014 at 7:22:40 PM
Afro Warrior 27:

I am not biased first of all. I just simply think that this is a weaker series compared to the original.

And the Deus Ex Machina's didn't interfere with the development of the characters. At the end of season 3, Azula's still insane, Aang saved the world, Zuko wants to know about his mother, and him and Aang are both leading a united nation.

In the Legend of Korra at the end of season 2, Tenzin tells Korra that she needs to depend on herself and find power inside herself.

Cue her turning into a giant spirit monster out of nowhere and going on to fight Vaatu. It completely defeats the purpose of that statement.

See what I mean now?


I watched episode 5 of season 4 and I must tell you that once you get past season 3 (which is still pretty good halfway through), you will get a slew of great episodes.

Williamson K:

"As for what Nostalgia critic said: Bryke can apologize all they want, but seasons 1-3 happened (I'm counting season 3 as polished feces, though polished it still felt like a huge waste of time). Season 4 came too late to save the show in my eyes and it has only just started. That is further punctuated by the tarnished quality of this episode and it's hand in interrupting the flow of good to semi-good episodes we were enjoying."

-Well I think you may be excited to hear that the Airbender kids aren't in episode 5 for long and is a really good episode as a result.

"Yes, I can be really harsh on Lo K sometimes, but it had a tough act to follow and didn't deliver in my opinion."

- *cough* until season 4. *cough* Season 3 was good but not as good as Season 4 *cough*

"As for Ryochi's commentary, he's displayed far more patience and fairness for the show's quality than I have so reserve your anger for me."

-Usually, I wouldn't take credit for this because I don't want to seem like a jerk. But yeah, after what happened in Seasons 1 and 2. I've been pretty patient with this shows quality. And i'm glad I did.

"But I have recently become beleaguered by this Jihad, having a laundry list of things to do on my plate and (as some of you will no doubt be relieved to hear) I plan on hanging up my kepi and scimitar, bothering only to check in on the odd occasion. So farewell and Happy Halloween. Thanks for putting up with me, Ryochi."

-No problem. Hope you get back on soon and Happy Halloween to you too....oh wait its November....
