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pokemon master
here is what i have so far: mewthree mistress lilith dark alchimist grassina Chameleaf (Grass) Regaleaf (Grass/Fighting) [level 16] Altoleaf (Grass/Fighting) [level 32] Felare (Fire) Pyroar (Fire) [level 18] Smeltar (Fire/Steel) [level 30] Aquapup (Water) Wavewulf (Water) [level 14] Surfenris (Water/Psychic) [level 36] Bumbalug (Bug) Bumbalight (Bug/Flying) [level 12] Bumbalimp (Bug/Flying) [level 21] Sluggerine (Normal) Brawlerine (Normal/Fighting) [level 17] Savagerine (Normal/Fighting) [level 36] Mugrat (Dark) Batterat (Dark) [level 20] Falchrome (Steel/Flying) Perichrome (Steel/Flying) [level] Nadger (Normal) Dodumb (Normal/Flying) Cassowrath (Fighting/Flying) [level 30] Maggrass (Bug/Grass) Imagrowth (Bug/Grass) [level 18] Scarabirch (Bug/Grass) [level 36] iguanadapt (Ground) Mariguana (Ground/Water) [level 24, sea route] Igniguana (Ground/Fire) [level 24, mountain] Tropiguana (Ground/Grass) [level 24, forest/jungle] Komheela (Poison) Komodolord (Poison/Fighting) [level 29] Harlaghast (Ghost/Dark) Paglighast (Ghost/Dark) [level 37] Coulrageist (Ghost/Dark) [trade + item] Lithocalf (Rock) Lithosteer (Rock) [level] Lavole (Fire) Magmole (Fire) [level] Deemode (Rock/Steel) Diamite (Rock/Steel) [level] Diahemoth (Rock/Steel) [trade] Astralite (Psychic/Steel) Solarite (Psychic/Steel) [Sun Stone] Polarbatross (Ice/Flying) Slurg (Poison) Sluggorge (Poison) [level] Cyclaw (Flying/Fighting) Hurriclaw (Flying/Fighting) [level] Wombolt (Electric) Koalabolt (Electric) [level 15, happiness] Wallabolt (Electric) [Thunder Stone] Quetzaloft (Dragon) Tezcatlow(Dark) Dolfun (Water/Ice) Porpun (Water/Ice) [level up] Tinkertot (Steel/Grass) Tinkertank (Steel/Grass) [level up] Watern (Water/Flying) Arctern (Water/Flying) [level] Maskish (Water) Snarecuda (Water/Steel) [level 28] Dunkleosteel (Water/Steel) [trade with Murmillo's Helmet] Scubapinch (Bug/Rock) Terropinch (Bug/Rock) [level] Crispore (Grass/Fire) Crisplant (Grass/Fire) [level] Skorpwhip (Bug/Ground) Toxorpion (Bug/Poison) [trade with Moulted Tail] Nabrachnid (Bug/Ground) [trade with Moulted Fangs] Pompasom (Psychic) Somnardent (Psychic/Fighting) [level 25, daylight] Somnare (Psychic/Dark) [level 25, night] Woollamight (Ice/Electric) Mastomax (Ice/Electric) [level] Hieropict (Psychic) Stingspray (Poison/Electric) Humminger (Grass/Flying) Hummurd (Grass/Flying) [level 35] Revenoct (Water/Poison) Calafright (Water/Poison) [level 29] Krakkebyss (Water/Poison) [Water Stone] Rexaur (Rock/Fighting) [fossil] Dolorex (Rock/Fighting) [level 37] Stegguard (Steel/Ground) [fossil] Steggreave (Steel/Ground) [level] Owlert (Normal/Psychic) Owlarm (Normal/Psychic) [level] Sentinowl (Normal/Psychic) [level] Banhoo (Ghost) Banwai (Ghost) [level] Wendiyak (Ice) Wendigrowl (Ice) [level] Reskie (Ice) Huskaide (Ice) [level] Toteminn (Ground) Totemupp (Ground) [level up] Totemowtt (Ground) [level up] Chimprank (Normal) Pongoof (Normal) [level 23] Oranguffaw (Normal) [trade] Viline (Poison/Grass) Vilianne (Poison/Grass) [Leaf Stone] Janghoul (Ghost) Tormist (Ghost) [Dusk Stone] Wyvorm (Dragon) Draguun (Dragon) [level 32] Dracount (Dragon/Flying) [level 50] Furnox (Fire/Dark) Dynamoult (Electric/Ground) Dynapede (Electric/Ground) [level 40] Granewt (Rock) Glasilisk (Rock/Dragon) [level 36] Glaregoyle (Rock/Dragon) [level 55] Solox (Rock) (the Matter Trio) Liquil (Water) (the Matter Trio) Gazz (Electric) (the Matter Trio) Luminaziz (Fire/Electric/Flying) (the Primordial Trio) Phantazar (Water/Dark/Ghost) (the Primordial Trio) Mediama (Psychic/Dragon) (the Primordial Trio) Nemory (Ghost/Psychic) Grandherjar (Steel/Fighting) (the Gatekeepers) Grandracles (Steel/Fighting) (the Gatekeepers) Magenie (Fire/Psychic) Mafrit (Fire/Psychic) Zengamroth (Dragon/Dark) Czernabane (Ghost/Ice-type) (legendary) Heatzilopoch (Fire/Fighting, based on Huitzilopochtli) Seterror (Dark/Electric, based on Set) Scyllash (Water/Dragon based on Scylla). Vulturkey (the Carrion Bird pokemon) [Fire/Flying] Scarrion (the Gryphon Vulture pokemon) [Fire/Flying] Bastut (the Stone Cat Pokemon) [Rock] Bastatue (the Stone Lion Pokemon) [Rock] Bastetatue (the Gilded Lion Pokemon) [Rock/Steel] Wormaw (the Sand Worm Pokemon) [Ground] Tremaw (the Sand Leviathan Pokemon) [Ground/Poison] Aloevent (the Succulent Pokemon) [Grass/Ground] Aloevicious (The Spiny Plant Pokemon) [Grass/Ground] Solara (the Sun Disk Pokemon) [Psychic/Fire] Petsucroc (the River Crocodile pokemon) [Water] Sobecroc (the Sacred Crocodile pokemon) [Water/Steel] Bandune (the Sand Bandit Pokemon) [Ground/Dark] Sandark (the Sand Spirit Pokemon) [Ground/Dark] Scaraball (the Dune Beetle Pokemon) [Rock/Bug] Scaramulet (The Living Gem Pokemon) [Rock/Bug] Foalame [fire] Stripyre [fire] Zebrerno [fire] Snakreek [water/poison] Serpentream [water/poison] Cobriver [water/poison] Calvine [grass/ground] Sapliderm [grass/ground] Treelephant [grass/ground] Shygon (Normal) Boldra (Dragon/Steel) humanouds(11,980) mermaid droid(1,000) doll maiden mewthree X Pikablu Nidogod Nidogodess Enpandought Regigigas's Sky Forme Porygon3 Shellbro Kangaschan (Kanga) Shibosai Magster Korechu Cell-phone Rotom Chance kaenchu Sapusaur (Sapsaur) Charcolt Rainer Pikaflare (Flarachu) Pikabud Locustod Beepin Raticlaw Pearduck Flareth (Flarith) Sandswipes Spooky Corona Mew Dimonix Millenium Anthrax Mysterio Apocalypse Ruin Psybir Psybird Doomsay Doomsday Tricket Hifishi Pokémaniac Tyranticus Primator Psyke Wizwar The Unidentified Dragon Venustoise
