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Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones Draft Run the First!
Well, I'd say those three criticals just made your turncount for the first chapter unbeatable.
Well, at least a Soldier didn't wait until the last second to screw you over
Ouch. This is why I thought maybe Seth should be free for the first couple.
Um, uh, I think you need to add another 4 turns. Undrafted units (Moulder) can't visit villages.
Don't forget that ideally, the nondrafted units shouldn't be getting hit at all. Although it IS pretty hard to avoid this before you get access to the battle preperation screen.
Please ignore my above comment, I have no reading comprehension and somehow thought this chapter took 22 turns. I don't know.

Eight is actually pretty good.
I say as long as you aren't actively baiting enemies or hiding behind undrafted units, then it's okay. It just happens.
Yeah, yeah. These first few chapters are gonna be hell on me, that much I can say.
And I somehow missed that bit about the villages. Wonderful.

Welp, I'll add those 4 turns, then.
Don't worry, I just intentionally took a +4 penalty that you probably won't have to if you leave a drafted character in range of one of chapter 9's pirates for a few turns, or if you don't care about an extra Rapier.
There's no such thing as too much depth, if Alfric's Encyclopedia is anything to go by.

I'm actually not going into enough depth, especially compared to Blazing Sword.
Even so, the play-by-play was a little dull. When I can make use of strategies beyond "Erika moves in and attacks, then counters on the Enemy Phase, then attacks again" I'll expand a bit more.
I KNOW you're gonna be happy when you finally get Lute.
I just realized that with just Eirika and Lute, it'd be better to wait for the split in order to fetch a Guiding Ring because getting Chapter 5's early one will be a little nightmare...
You'll get one pretty early into Eirika's route, Pablo has it in Chapter 10, so Lute may not even be at a level you'd want to promote her at by the time you get it. On the other side, it comes at the halfway point of Ephraim's from an easily killable Shaman. That chapter also just happens to be absolutely swarming with enemies, sadly.