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Let's Play EU3!
Japaaaaaaaaan! I've never actually managed to unite that damn place, it'd be nice to see someone pull it off. Since Divine Wind made it harder to play Japan (no more roflstomping Korea right at the start) I want to see you try that kind of challenge!
Well, that's one vote. If I play Japan I'll probably play clan Taira.
Aztec, because awesome architecture.
A native tribe. Wait until the Europeans arrive, modernize, and make yourself a Great Power.

And please, World Conquests are boring.
So, looking like Aztec, unless we get two more votes for Japan. Or three votes for something else.

But as a bone to Five_X, if I play Aztec, one of my goals is going to be to take over Japan.
Heh, cool. My goal as Hindustan (pretty much the only faction I play as a lot) tends to be a sort of "reverse colonization" where I basically do what they European powers did to Africa/Asia/North America, except to Europe. It's fun to make odd, ahistorical goals like that.
One of the best parts in PrawnStar's famous Iroquois AAR is when he tried to colonize Europe.

Then it turns into a WC and gets boring.
So, looking like it's gonna be the Aztecs.

Anybody wanna vote for someone else, or do the Aztecs have it?
Aztec it is then.
I would say congrats but I know that the first Europeans are bound to float in soon enough :P
Well, thank you anyway. They haven't appeared by 1450, so at least it's taking them a good amount of time.
Ooh, forgot to post this:

In my first game, with the Iroquois, I managed to beat Milan in a war. Without even knowing about the "seize colony" button.

Of course, Milan didn't have any borders with me before the war, but still, it's not a bad accomplishment.
Wait, were you in Europe at the time? Or did Milan just sail over and colonize?
Milan sailed over and took my colony.
Wow. That's pretty impressive; I can barely manage to play Native American factions, let alone fend off colonizing Europeans.
Make sure you stop expansion at 9 provinces. That gives you good income without paralyzing your government.
@Kink: Know that. Actually I think I stopped at eight; I don't want to go to war with the Maya for only one extra province.
This is great, keep it up! The "relations with Ferrara" and "pockets" parts are comedy gold.
So what does "centralized" do?
Centralization yields so much benefits it's not funny, increased stability cost aside. One of its bigger bonuses is increased tax modifier, which means more money to your monthly research/minting and more annual income.

And I'm amused about the Ferrara bit. Will you be meeting Ulm next, I wonder?
So, I've got about one more update for episode 1, and then I've also already got the playthrough for episode 2 completed.

No spoilers, but maybe a hint: I now have nine provinces.
In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue... I wonder what'll come first, conflicts with the Maya or Inca or greedy European settlers?
That gives me an urge to post my next update and resolve the mystery, but if I do that I won't have a buffer.

So consider that another hint.