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PageAction: InfantImmortality
8th Apr '16 12:44:59 AM

Crown Description:

What would be the best way to fix the page?
   16 (Yeas:24 Nays:8) 3.00 : 1
Create a cutoff age for the trope so teenagers and older children don’t apply, something like 6 or 11 years old.
   15 (Yeas:16 Nays:1) 16.00 : 1
Rephrase trope to apply if and only if many adult characters die but younger characters don't despite being in roughly the same amount of danger.
   12 (Yeas:19 Nays:7) 2.71 : 1
Move aversions of Infant Immortality to a new trope.
   5 (Yeas:17 Nays:12) 1.42 : 1
Create a Super-Trope for “innocent characters don’t die”, make Infant Immortality a subtrope to that for children only.
   -5 (Yeas:7 Nays:12)
   -8 (Yeas:7 Nays:15)
Cut all aversions of Infant Immortality.
   -19 (Yeas:2 Nays:21)
Make Infant Immortality an Aversions-only trope.