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Context Tropers / Maxhanno

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1Maxhanno is a 17-year-old troper from LOCATION CLASSIFIED. An avid reader, writer, as well as a fan of {{Comics}} and {{Western Animation}}.
2Some pages about things he likes:
4* {{Monty Python}}
5* {{Mel Brooks}}
6* {{Discworld}}
7* {{Isaac Asimov}}
8* {{Justice League}}
9* {{Teen Titans}} (Hey, it's not just for kids, right?)
10* All Things {{Batman}}
11* {{Fight Club}}
12* {{Clint Eastwood}}
13* {{Lost}}
14* {{Seinfeld}}
15* {{Absurdism}}
16* {{Dada}}
17* {{Surreal Horror}}+{{Surreal Humor}}
18* {{Progressive Rock}}
19* {{The Critic}}
20* {{Corner Gas}}
