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Context Tropers / Gryle

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1A media junkie, dreadful musician, frequent lurker and infrequent contributor to TVTropes, student of the sciences, small-time writer, and all-around geek. His current projects include two novels and a webcomic in DevelopmentHell, attempting to cure his creative block, and torturing Dr Irving Barsama over at [[Literature/TheKingdom The Kingdom]].
3This Troper provides examples of:
4* AuthorAppeal: Expect a love of strong, black coffee from many of his characters.
5* CatchPhrase: Multiple
6** "Ain't dead yet."
7** "I'm gonna go set something on fire"
8** "Meh, it's what I do."
9* FriendToAllLivingThings: Stray animals wander up to him. [[IAmNotMakingThisUpDisclaimer Birds have been known to fly through open windows and sit peacefully on his kitchen table.]]
