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Context Tropers / Cocodrillo

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1Based in Czech Republic, Cocodrillo is a full-time student working hard to become a microbiologist. A fan of superpowers, western and eastern animation, good movies, music and art, she is unofficially a part of large variety of fandoms, yet not officially, since she does not like labelling. Although she is a misanthropist, she has a thing for insane people. Easily offended, sad, disappointed in herself, furious, yet also quiet, calm, silent, cheerful, easily amused, hyperactive, scared and brave. Also, anxiety and confidence are strong with her. Are you confused? Maybe a little. So is she.
2Since she has an unstable character, there is a large variety of tropes that can be shown on her.
4!! Tropes applied to Cocodrillo:
5* {{Asexuality}} - Through years, Cocodrillo went through {{Bi The Way}} to biromantic asexual.
6* {{Clingy Jealous Girl}} - Applies to love interests, friends, family members, random people, everyone.
7** This trope is connected with both {{Tsundere}} and an {{Ax-Crazy}} {{Yandere}}, as she is {{Not Good With Rejection}}.
8** {{Dont Make Me Destroy You}} before {{Tranquil Fury}}
9* {{Clound Cuckoo Lander}} - Laying on the kitchen cabinet, licking her nose, acting like a cat, doing random sounds... Time to time.
10** A {{Manic Pixie Dream Girl}} in eyes of certain acquaitenances.
11* {{Foolish Sibling Responsible Sibling}} - Is both.
12* {{How Unscientific}} - Automatically seen in the movies that are supposed to be scientifically exact.
13* {{Mad Scientist}}, for she does not care much about ethics (yet still knows them) and would like to create something uncreateable.
14** While not caring too much, she is a {{Motherly Scientist}} to lab animals, which leads to {{Lab Pet}}.
15** {{For Science}}
16* {{Romantic Two-Girl Friendship}} - This Bird has her Bat.
17* {{Smart People Wear Glasses}}
18* {{Stalker without a Crush}} - Stalking just for information, being {{Constantly Curious}}.
19** Stalking rarely leads to becoming a {{Stalker with a Crush}}.
20** Has tendencies to go {{Stalker with a Test Tube}}.
21* {{The Chessmaster}} - Being an {{INTJ}}
22* {{The Stoic}} - To people she barely knows, does not know or knows too well.
23** {{Trying Not to Cry}} - Despite {{The Stoic}}, is overly sensitive
24* {{Weight Woe}}
