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Context Tropers / Agent333

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1Hello, everybody, this is my page!
2I'm going to use it as a bit of a sandbox, hope nobody minds.
4Works Agent333 is a fan of: (To be formatted later)
5* IronMan
6* MsMarvel
7* TheAvengers
8* {{Mistborn}}
9** Including TheAlloyOfLaw, which he started the page on.
11Agent333 plays RolePlayingGames, here are some of his characters:
14!!Game: ChangelingTheLost
15!!Setting: {{Boston}}
17Fitch is a Darkling of the Winter Court. He acts as an information gatherer for the court and his motley. He's a shy, easily overlooked teenager who constantly seeks approval from others.
19* ActualPacifist: Fitch has no offensive combat ability. He can dodge and hide well, but he cannot (and will not) damage his opponents.
20* {{Angst}}: He's both a teenager and a Changeling. Comes with the territory.
21* BadDreams: Sometimes. Again, kinda comes with the Changeling territory.
22* CharacterAlignment: Chaotic Good. He doesn't give a crap about the law, but he genuinely likes helping people.
23* DarkIsNotEvil: Fitch is a phenomenal example of this trope. Very dark, not at all evil.
24* GreenEyedMonster: Fitch wishes he could have a normal family and a normal life. Not that he does a whole lot to try to achieve that desire...
25* GrewASpine: When he finally got fed up with Mike's crap.
26* KilledOffForReal
27** DieForOurShip: Mike and Odette ended up together after Fitch's death.
28** {{Overkill}}: Beaten in the head with a golf club, lit on fire, then decapitated.
29** MeaningfulFuneral
30** StuffedInAFridge: His severed head was shipped to Odette, along with a video of his last moments.
31* LoveTriangle: With Odette and Mike.
32* SympatheticCriminal: Fitch is not on speaking terms with Breaking and Entering or privacy laws, and he's not above picking someone's pocket to take a look at their ID. However, he loves feeding the homeless and tries to make the world a less violent place.
33* TrademarkFavoriteFood: Muffins. Specifically, blueberry muffins.
34* UndyingLoyalty: To Odette.
36!Joseph Daybringer
37!!Game: FantasyCraft
38!!Setting: Over a hundred years after the events of DiabloIII
40Joseph was a simple {{farmboy}} living on the edges of civilization when circumstances beyond his control thrust him into a conflict where the fate of the world hangs in the balance. He soon discovers he has a supernatural heritage giving him abilities beyond normal men. Sound familiar?
42* TheHero: Purposefully built to fit the trope.
43* MessianicArchetype
44* HeroesPreferSwords
45* TheProtagonist: Though he shares the spotlight with the rest of the player characters.
46* HeavenlyBlue: His color scheme, once he develops one, is a mix of blue, silver, and gold.
47* JumpedAtTheCall: When cultists attack his home town, he immediately jumps in to defend his fellow citizens, then moves on from adventure to adventure never looking back.
48* TheCallKnowsWhereYouLive: Again, cultists attacked his home town.
49* DoomedHometown: Did I mention cultists? Also there were goatmen too.
50* HeroicLineage: His maternal great-great-grandfather was the Archangel Tyrael.
51* {{Nephewism}}: His mother died in childbirth, his father disappeared in action when he was very young. Raised by his aunt and uncle.
52* HappilyMarried: He started out the campaign as a bit of a flirt, but quickly met the woman he eventually married. They are now expecting a child, who may or may not be TheChosenOne, but is most definitely plot significant in some way. His wife, Cassandra, (a Personal Lieutenant in the game) exhibits the following tropes:
53** DivineParentage: Her mother was the Archangel Auriel.
54** HealingHands
55** HeavenlyBlue: Shares a color scheme with her husband.
