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Context Trivia / TheStreet

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1!!Trivia pertaining to Series.TheStreet
3* TheDanza: Bridgette Sampras-Wilson plays broker Bridget Deshiel.
4* FollowUpFailure: ''The $treet'' was considered to be this, compared to the then-recent success of ''Series/SexAndTheCity''. Some viewers of the former have said that it probably would have done better on {{Creator/HBO}} or a cable network than FOX.
5* KeepCirculatingTheTapes: The show has never been released on DVD, and the only copies available of episodes are on Website/YouTube.
6* MissingEpisode: Only the first six episodes were aired before the series was cancelled. The remaining five episodes only aired on international stations.
7* StarMakingRole: For Rick Hoffman, who played Fred Sacker. The success of the series jumpstarted his career.
8* TechnologyMarchesOn:
9** One scene in the pilot establishes that the brokers are using Windows 95-enabled machines, which they constantly reference as top-of-the-line tech needed to do their jobs. It was already out-of-date by the time the show premiered (in late 2000, near the time Windows ME was released) - even moreso now.
10** One conversation between Sherman and Divack has the latter pull out a [=PalmPilot=] and tap away at the screen with a stylus, causing the former to eye it curiously.
11* UnfinishedEpisode: The intended series finale, "Framed", was written and cast, but never filmed.
