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Context Trivia / Spyro2RiptosRage

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1* ActingForTwo:
2** Creator/TomKenny voices both Spyro and the Professor.
3** Mary Linda Phillips voices both Zoe and Hulagirl Stella.
4* ChristmasRushed: The game was meant for a 2000 release, not a 1999 one. Fortunately, unlike many examples, it did not affect the quality.
5* CompletelyDifferentTitle: This game is called ''Spyro x Sparx: Tondemo Tours'' in Japan.
6* TheOtherDarrin: Creator/TomKenny replaces Creator/CarlosAlazraqui as Spyro. Coincidently, both actors had previously worked on ''WesternAnimation/RockosModernLife''.
7* SerendipityWritesThePlot: Ripto's name comes from [[ the JP cover art of the first game]], where the heavily-stylized katakana for "Spyro" (スパイロ) looks kinda like "Ripto".
8* WhatCouldHaveBeen: [[WhatCouldHaveBeen/SpyroTheDragon Shares a Page]].
