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Context Recap / ThePrisonerE14LivingInHarmony

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1A Wild West sheriff resigns and is kidnapped to another town, where a malevolent Judge tries to force him to drop his new pacifist principles.
4!!This episode provides examples of:
5* AllJustADream: The whole episode is revealed to have been the result of a drug-induced hallucination.
6* {{Blackmail}}: The Judge blackmails the "Sheriff" into staying to protect Kathy.
7* CowboyEpisode: This episode takes place in an apparent {{Elseworld}} Wild West setting. Number Six is a sheriff who turns in his badge and gun and tries to leave town. [[spoiler: It turns out to be a {{Virtual Reality Interrogation}} created in-universe with a stage set and hallucinogenic drugs]].
8* FakeTown: [[spoiler:At the end of the episode, TheWildWest town turns out to be a fake created by the Village leaders to trick Number 6]].
9* GeographicFlexibility: The Village apparently has a full mockup of a Wild West town, within walking distance, which previous episodes had never hinted at.
10* InsaneTrollLogic: The court's rationale for finding Kathy guilty. Although no crime was committed (the prisoner was under "protective custody"), Kathy is liable "because she didn't know that."
11* JumpScare: [[spoiler: Number 8 does this to The Girl]].
12* KangarooCourt: The Judge sentencing Kathy for helping a Prisoner escape.
13* KubrickStare: The Kid/Number 8.
14* LostInCharacter: [[spoiler: In a rare variation, both Numbered agents ''return'' to their characters after the experiment is over.]]
15* OutOfGenreExperience: The series' plot is [[CowboyEpisode transplanted onto a Western setting]].
16* PsychopathicManchild: The Kid. Naturally.
17* QuickDraw
18* ShowdownAtHighNoon: Naturally.
19* SpecialEditionTitle: The episode completely replaces Number Six's usual resignation and kidnapping with a Wild West equivalent. (Some regions which were showing the original UK broadcast took issue with the lack of a title and superimposed a "The Prisoner" caption onto the start, against [=McGoohan=]'s wishes.)
20* StalkerWithACrush: The Kid to Kathy.
21* TitleDrop
22* VirtualReality: Not quite, but this is as close as the 1960s could get: lots of hallucinogenic drugs and paper cutouts.
