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Context Recap / TheNostalgiaCriticS6E15

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1'''Release:''' September 3, 2013
3'''Film:''' ''Film/TheLastAirbender''
5'''Tagline:''' "Only one can bring balance to [[Franchise/AvatarTheLastAirbender the franchise]]!"
7!!This review contains examples of: (Trivia tropes are [[Trivia/TheNostalgiaCriticS6E15 here]])
8* AccidentalMisnaming: The Critic keeps calling Doug [[Main/CallBack Platypus-Bunny]] even after he tells him his name is Doug.
9* ActorAllusion:
10** The song at the beginning has the lines "Don't ask [[Creator/DanteBasco Zuko]] about his scar or [[Film/{{Hook}} Rufio]]."
11** As Zhao stares at the restored Moon, the Critic does his best [[Series/TheDailyShow Senior Correspondent]] Aasif Mandvi (Zhao's film actor) impression and reports:
12--->'''A-Critic'''[[note]]Aasif-Critic[[/note]] I can hardly explain what I'm seeing Jon [Stewart], but the Moon just came back!
13* AdaptationalJerkass: ATLA-Katara hated bloodbending and had outlawed it by the time ''Korra'' came around. R-Katara[[note]]Rachel-Katara[[/note]] is only too happy to use it casually on the Critic, even when he calls her out on it.
14* AffectionateParody: Doug clearly loves ''Avatar'', but that won't stop him from making jokes about it or recreating the opening and ending themes.
15* ArsonMurderAndJaywalking: The Critic absorbing the essence of the original show.
16-->'''Critic''': Ingenious writing, brilliant characters, and a fanbase obsessing about name pronunciation rather than the meaning of each episode.
17* AsYouKnow: The Critic complains on delivering exposition by having characters talk about stuff to characters that already know it. He gave special mention to the fact that Zuko got a little kid to talk about his backstory instead of himself.
18* BilingualBonus: The Japanese text on the title card says "This movie sucks". However, since Japanese doesn't have the same idiom of "sucks = bad", it reads more like [[BlindIdiotTranslation "This movie inhales."]]
19* ButtMonkey: Critic and Doug, in different ways. Critic gets insulted by everyone and doesn't even try to live up to the heroism promised, and Doug is just there to be a made-up animal who gets his name ignored.
20* CallBack:
21** Critic's spirit animal is a [[Recap/TheNostalgiaCriticS6E14 Platypus-Bunny]].
22** The Critic can still contact Creator/DougWalker, and Doug is still bitter.
23-->'''Doug''': Why did I write you so stupid?
24* DeusExMachina: Invoked by the Critic. He has Aang abruptly appear and blow up [[Creator/MNightShyamalan Shyamal]]-[[WesternAnimation/TheLegendOfKorra Amon]].
25* DoNotAdjustYourSet: Shyamal-Amon hacks into the broadcast.
26* DopeSlap: Repeatedly administered to the Critic by Katara bloodbending him to slap himself.
27* DullSurprise: Shyamal-Amon's power is talent-bending, the ability to remove the acting ability from good actors. After the Critic is "Shyamalized":
28-->'''Critic''': Hi, guys. I just want to stand directly in the middle of the shot and stare blankly into the camera.
29* FreezeFrameBonus:
30** At the beginning of the song, they list the four elements of the series, and then a picture of [[WesternAnimation/CaptainPlanet Ma-ti captioned 'heart']] appears for one second.
31** The writing on Shyamal-Amon's mask.
32-->I'm Angry! Cutting Edge. [[Film/{{Signs}} Water! Really!]] [[Film/TheHappening It's the Trees.]] [[Film/{{Unbreakable}} He's the Supervillain.]] [[Film/TheLastAirbender The Blue Spirit is Zuko.]] [[Film/TheSixthSense He's Really Dead.]] [[Film/TheVillage2004 It's Modern Time.]] Do you like twists? I'm out of ideas. OSCAR NOMINATED WRITER.
33** All the potential penis hair jokes when we see Yue's hair:
34--> Does that require a Blowdry or a Blowjob? Are haircuts known as circumcisions? I said 'Public Hair' not 'Pubic Hair'! Does this make Queen Amidala's hair look less vaginal or more vaginal? When you said your hair is a dick to comb, I didn't know you meant a DICK to comb. Does the rug match the prick shaped drapes? You might be the only female I can get away with calling dick head. So, when you say you're washing your hair tonight, does that technically count as masturbating? This is great, I can technically reach first AND second base both at the same time. You're making the Coneheads look modest. Is that a cock on your block or are you just happy to see me? Now I know why they call you 'Hard Head'. '''What does she use for a headband, a censor bar?''' Was your hooker name 'Tip of the Iceberg'? Well, two heads are better than one. Seeing how you're royalty, do they crown you with a cock ring? I'm gonna guess and say night caps and condoms are pretty much the same for you. Pardon me your highness, but your hair looks like a giant penis.
35* HypocrisyNod: Noting the film pronounces the names of the characters differently, followed by the Critic immediately lampshading that making fun of this would be hypocritical after Doug has mispronounced them throughout his vlogs.
36* HypocriticalHumor: The Critic lambasts the [[RaceLift ethnicity issues]] in the film, while having Sokka and Katara being played by Malcolm Ray (African-American) and Rachel Tietz (Caucasian), respectively.
37* IndecisiveParody: Switches back and forth between satirizing the original series and ''WesternAnimation/TheLegendOfKorra''. Lampshaded repeatedly.
38* PreviouslyOn: After the commercial break, there's a recap in the style of ''WesternAnimation/TheLegendOfKorra''.
39* RaceLift: One of the Critic's InUniverse gripes about the film is the ethnic miscasting of several characters, most prominently Katara and Sokka, who look definitely Caucasian (despite the Water Tribe's established Inuit inspiration, which is actually played straighter by the extras), and the Fire Nation seemingly becoming Indians or Middle Easterners (in the original, they're more imperial Chinese/Japanese/Thai). The Critic lampshades that he doesn't want to make an unintentional racist comment, considering the film was made by [[Creator/MNightShyamalan an Indian-American]], but the miscasting is still cause for concern.
40-->"But hey, if you can't see the [[SarcasmMode OBVIOUS]] similarities between the movie's designs and the show's designs, clearly, you haven't drank enough cactus juice."
41* RageAgainstTheAuthor: Inverted. Because of the power dynamic [[ change]], all Doug can do is passively-aggressively bitch against Critic while Critic continuously gets his name wrong.
42* RunningGag: Various memes from the series being utilized, the Foamy Mouth Guy and "My Cabbages!", as well as "[[WesternAnimation/RobotChicken What a Tweest!]]".
43* ScrewThisImOuttaHere:
44** After seeing Shyamal-Amon, the Critic tries to run but Katara bloodbends him into a dumpster.
45** Also during the intro, where Doug says "Oh, fuck this noise!" when he sees the poster for the movie.
46* SelfDeprecation: The review attacked itself so you didn't have to, everything from the lack of focus in the satire, how useless the reboot speeches are, Rachel!Katara's AdaptationalVillainy, Critic's lack of talent, and lampshading how he has no room to talk on racism.
47* ShoutOut:
48** During the Critic's rant on the CardboardPrison the earthbenders were put in, he asks Shyamalan, "[[Film/FullMetalJacket What is your major malfunction?]]"
49** His first, failed attempt to fight Shyamal-Amon resembles Arnold Rimmer's attempt to attack Cat in the first episode of "Series/RedDwarf".
50** The chant of "Oh, we blow, we bloooow. Oh, we blow, we bloooow." from the Fire Nation's soldiers is a reference to a similar chant done by the soldiers of the Wicked Witch of the West in Film/TheWizardOfOz.
51* ShowDontTell: The Critic rages over the fact that the movie skips several important scenes and just relegates them to narration from Katara.
52* ShownTheirWork: Well, this sort of came with Doug having watched the entire series prior to his review of the movie...
53* SpecialEditionTitle: The opening parodies Avatar's narration intro. The ending the episode is also done in the style of the original show.
54* StandardSnippet: StandardSnippet/OdeToJoy is heard when the Penis-Hair appears on screen, and Critic has trouble deciding which joke to use.
55* StillbornFranchise: InUniverse, the Critic already considers all prospects for a film sequel ([[SequelHook foreshadowed]] by Azula's cameo at the very end) practically dead.
56-->'''Critic:''' Yes, I'm sure she'll join the Film/SuperMarioBros1993, [[Film/MastersOfTheUniverse Skeletor]], [[Film/TheAdventuresOfBuckarooBanzaiAcrossThe8thDimension Buckaroo Banzai]], Film/TheGoldenCompass and [[Film/StreetFighter M. Bison's hand]] in that [[SarcasmMode incredible, sure-to-happen sequel]]!
57* TakeThat
58** Creator/MNightShyamalan becomes Amon from ''WesternAnimation/TheLegendOfKorra'' as a reference of how he can take bending away. But here, Shyamalan can take talent away.
59** Part of the opening song has these lines:
60--->"The best Avatar ain't that [[Film/{{Avatar}} blue pussy turd]]."
61** Upon seeing Nicola Peltz and Jackson Rathbone's wooden performances as Katara and Sokka, respectively...
62--->'''Critic:''' "Oh no. They've [Katara and Sokka] both succumbed to the dreaded [[Film/AttackOfTheClones Hayden Christensen]] syndrome!"
63** After the overly long tracking-shot fight scene between Aang and the Blue Spirit against Fire Nation {{Mook}}s...
64--->'''Critic:''' "Give [M. Night] a "Tediously Obnoxious Directing Award". I think that's the same one that went to [[Creator/SpikeLee this person]] just a few years earlier."
65* TheTapeKnewYouWouldSayThat: Happens after Shyamal-Amon announces he has the ability to take any actor's talent away.
66-->'''Critic:''' He's bluffing. No director is that bad or powerful...
67-->'''Shyamal-Amon:''' And for those of you who don't think I'm that bad or powerful, just look at what I did to Creator/MarkWahlberg in ''Film/TheHappening''.
68* TookTheBadFilmSeriously: InUniverse, the Critic acknowledges that among the cast, Dev Patel (Zuko), Shaun Tomb (Iroh) and Aasif Mandvi (Zhao) are perhaps the only actors who actually acted in this bomb of a film.
69* ToughActToFollow: InUniverse, Doug tells the Critic that ''WesternAnimation/TheLegendOfKorra'' is "OK, but it's no Avatar".
70* WhoWouldWantToWatchUs: Taking cues from ''[[Recap/AvatarTheLastAirbenderTheEmberIslandPlayers The Ember Island Players]]'', the Critic puts in a sketch interspersing clips from said episode and the film, such that the characters are watching themselves as they are portrayed in the film, down to their outright disgust for the way they are reinterpreted.
72[[TheStinger Are you the Ahvatar, Ahng?]]
