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1An index of tropes about how characters breathe or respire.
3Compare MouthfulOfIndex and NoseTropes.
9* AerosolSprayBackfire: A spray or other airborne substance backfires on the user/s.
10* ArtificialGill: A special device allowing a character to breathe underwater.
11* BatmanCanBreatheInSpace: Oxygen tanks are optional in space.
12* BreathableLiquid: A liquid that characters with lungs can breathe in.
13* BreathWeapon: One's breath can damage things.
14* CatharticExhalation: Taking a breath after something intense happens.
15* CPRCleanPrettyReliable: CPR is an efficient way of reviving a character who's stopped breathing.
16* DeepBreathRevealsTension: Taking a few deep breaths reveals how stressed a seemingly calm character actually is.
17* FireBreathingDiner: Hot food turns one's breath into fire.
18* HyperventilationBag: A character breathes into a brown paper bag during a panic attack.
19* InflatingBodyGag: Inhaling gas or liquid causes a character's body to swell up.
20* KissOfLife: Reviving someone with CPR also counts as a kiss.
21* KnockoutGas: Breathing this in will knock you unconscious.
22* LaughingGas: Breathing this in will cause you to laugh.
23* MobileFishbowl: A device that allows an aquatic character to breathe outside of water.
24* OxygenMeter: A meter telling how long a character can hold their breath.
25* ReedSnorkel: Using a hollow stick to breathe while underwater.
26* SighOfLove: A character sighs to indicate they're in love.
27* StopDrowningAndStandUp: A character believes they're drowning but they can just stand up.
28* SuperBreath: A character can breathe strong winds.
29* SuperNotDrowningSkills: A character who doesn't have to worry about breathing underwater.
30* VacuumMouth: Taking a deep breath creates a forceful vacuum.
31* VaderBreath: Characters who breathe heavily and ominously.
32* VisibleSigh: A deep breath can be seen in anime.
33* YouNeedABreathMint: A comment on someone's halitosis.
35''The following tropes are about conditions that make breathing a lot harder, sometimes to the point of death:''
37* AlmostOutOfOxygen: A character's has a rapidly depleting air supply.
38* BreathHoldingBrat: Holding one's breath to annoy other people.
39* ChokeHolds: Choking another character by holding them a certain way.
40* DeadlyGas: Breathing this in will likely kill you.
41* DrowningPit: An enclosed space which slowly fills with water.
42* EroticAsphyxiation: Choking someone in a sexual way.
43* HangingAround: Using a noose or tie around one's neck to cut off someone's air supply, usually to the point of death.
44* HollywoodDrowning: Drowning is very dramatic.
45* NooseCatch: When a villainous character falls from a great height and somehow gets a rope, vein, cord, etc. wrapped around their neck, [[KarmicDeath killing them]].
46* PsychicStrangle: Strangling someone with telekinesis.
47* SinisterSuffocation: Suffocation is an especially evil type of torture/murder.
48* SuicideBySea: A character drowns oneself in the sea.
49* SuperDrowningSkills: A character easily drowns in water, no loss of oxygen required.
50* SupernaturalSuffocation: The ability to make someone else stop breathing.
51* VorpalPillow: Easily smothering someone with a pillow.
55->''[[TheStinger Congratulations]], [[YouHaveResearchedBreathing you have just researched breathing]].''
