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Context Heartwarming / DieHard

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1Works in this franchise with their own pages:
2* Heartwarming/DieHard2
3* Heartwarming/DieHardWithAVengeance
4* Heartwarming/LiveFreeOrDieHard
5* Heartwarming/AGoodDayToDieHard
7'''Spoilers are unmarked!'''
9!!First movie:
11* The end, when John finally meets up with Al Powell, who stood by his side when the FBI and everyone else didn't, and defended him despite never meeting face to face before. They didn't even say their names or had any introductions. They simply looked at each other in the eye and knew automatically who the other was.
12** The ManHug that follows, as well as Powell regaining his confidence in using a gun by blowing Karl away before he can do the same to John.
13** Even before that, when John is pulling glass from his foot, Al tells him the reason why he's riding the desk. Though it is a tearjerker because he made a mistake and shot a kid, the fact that Al trusts John enough to admit his mistake to him. And, in return, John asking Al to find Holly and tell her that John said he was sorry if John didn't make it out gives a sense that they are brothers in arms.
14* The BigDamnKiss after John saves Holly, which plays out like a SmoochOfVictory.
15* Even though he's utterly psychotic, and gets steadily more obsessed with killing [=McClane=] throughout the movie, the reason Karl wins a close second in TheDeterminator contest is because he wants to avenge his brother's murder.
16* Even though Ellis is WrongGenreSavvy and a CorruptCorporateExecutive, John tries to talk him out of negotiating with Hans and frantically insisting that he and Ellis don't really know each other to prevent Hans from killing him. Unfortunately, [[BoomHeadshot it doesn't work]].
17* While at first he jokes about it when it becomes clear that John is nervous about his meeting with Holly his driver, Argyle, asks him if he has a place to stay for the night if things don't work out, making it clear he's willing to let John, someone he JUST met, stay at his place. He then also promises to wait around to make sure John isn't left walking home. John is clearly touched, thanking him. Considering how much John loathes pretty much everyone else in LA save for Al that's big for him.
18** Argyle admits he's never driven a limo before and John, via a joke, assures him its fine.
