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Context Characters / HeroesOfTheStorm

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1These are the current characters in ''VideoGame/HeroesOfTheStorm''. Since it's filled with numerous characters, please handle this topic with care. Characters appearing in this game include the following:
4* Characters/HeroesOfTheStormDiabloUniverse [[note]]Auriel, Azmodan, The Butcher, Cassia, Deckard, Diablo, Imperius, Johanna, Kharazim, Leoric, Li-Ming, Malthael, Mephisto, Nazeebo, Sonya, Tyrael, Valla, Xul[[/note]]
5* Characters/HeroesOfTheStormOverwatchUniverse [[note]]Ana, D.Va, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Lúcio, Mei, Tracer, Zarya[[/note]]
6* Characters/HeroesOfTheStormStarcraftUniverse [[note]]Abathur, Alarak, Artanis, Blaze, Dehaka, Fenix, Kerrigan, Lt. Morales, Nova, Probius, Raynor, Sgt. Hammer, Stukov, Tassadar, Tychus, Zagara, Zeratul[[/note]]
7* Warcraft Universe
8** Characters/HeroesOfTheStormWarcraftAssassins [[note]]Chromie, Falstad, Greymane, Gul'dan, Illidan, Jaina, Kael'thas, Kel'Thuzad, Lunara, Maiev, Murky, Samuro, Sylvanas, Valeera, Zul'jin[[/note]]
9** Characters/HeroesOfTheStormWarcraftWarriors [[note]]Anub'arak, Arthas, Chen, Deathwing, E.T.C., Garrosh, Gazlowe, Hogger, Mal'Ganis, Muradin, Ragnaros, Rexxar, Stitches, Thrall, Varian, Yrel[[/note]]
10** Characters/HeroesOfTheStormWarcraftSupport [[note]]Alexstrasza, Anduin, Brightwing, Li Li, Malfurion, Medivh, Rehgar, Tyrande, Uther, Whitemane[[/note]]
11* Characters/HeroesOfTheStormOtherUniverses [[note]]The Lost Vikings, Orphea, Qhira[[/note]]
12* Characters/HeroesOfTheStormRealmLords
13* Characters/HeroesOfTheStormOtherCharacters
14* Characters/HeroesOfTheStormSkinThemes
