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Context Analysis / SkillScoresAndPerks

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1!Classifications of skills
3!!By field of application
4Since RPGsEqualCombat, there is a pretty clear line to be drawn between combat skills and non-combat skills. Combat skills can be further divided into:
6* '''Weapon skills''': Usually further subdivided by [[WeaponSpecialization weapon type]]
7* '''Armor skills''': Usually further subdivided by [[ElementalCrafting armor weight]]
8* '''(Tactical) magic skills''': Usually further subdivided into [[{{Whatevermancy}} magic schools]]
10Non-combat skills can be divided into:
12* '''Observation skills''': Passive skills, which may instead be covered by a Perception stat
13** Identification: Ability to figure out unusual items' purpose and functions without magic
14** Assessment: Ability to discern [[EnemyScan enemy threat level and abilities]] at a distance
15** Search: Ability to discover hidden objects, characters, pathways when actively looking for them
16** Spotting: Ability to detect ambushes, traps, and other dangers intuitively while exploring
17* '''Exploration skills''': Relevant during peaceful travel across the game world
18** Athletics/acrobatics: Ability to move faster and leap further and higher
19** Journeying: Ability to traverse TheOverworld faster and with less RandomEncounters
20** Trap disarming: Ability to remove traps and other obstacles
21** Swimming: Ability to move faster across and under the water surface
22** [[CoolHorse Riding]]/[[CoolCar Driving]]/[[CoolBoat Sailing]]/[[CoolStarship Piloting]]: Ability to travel faster and safer on mounts and vehicles
23* '''Stealth skills''': Relevant mostly during stealth sections
24** Sneaking: Ability to remain undetected by enemies
25** Lock-picking: Ability to open locked containers and doors without having to find a key
26** Pickpocketing: Ability to remove valuables from [=NPCs=] without killing them first
27** Hacking: Ability to extract information from digital systems
28* '''[[MultiplePersuasionModes Diplomacy skills]]''': Relevant during interactive dialogue
29** Haggling: Ability to buy items from NPC vendors cheaper while selling loot at higher prices
30** Persuasion: Ability to convince [=NPCs=] to help you via friendly dialogue
31** Intimidation: Ability to convince [=NPCs=] to help you via aggressive dialogue
32** Seduction: Ability to convince [=NPCs=] to help you via amorous dialogue (and [[OptionalSexualEncounter occasionally more]])
33* '''Crafting skills''': Used for ItemCrafting and DesignItYourselfEquipment
34** Procurement: Ability to obtain crafting resources from the environment, be it by harvesting, mining, looting, etc.
35** Smithing: Ability to create weapons and armor from gathered resources and to repair existing gear
36** UsefulNotes/{{Alchemy}}: Ability to create potions and poisons of any kind from collected ingredients
37** Engineering: Ability to create, repair, and upgrade machinery of any kind
38** Trap setting: Ability to create and set mechanical or magical traps
40Trap disarming and lock-picking are often rolled into a single skill because both involve roughly the same fine motor skills and mechanical expertise.
42In addition, tabletop games often feature '''Knowledge skills'''. These can be further subdivided by topic (history, nature, religion, magic, etc.) and let the player characters [[SuddenlyAlwaysKnewThat spontaneously "recall"]] obscure pieces of encyclopedic information from memory--out-of-universe, the players make skill checks and the GameMaster reveals pertinent information accordingly. This type of skills is rare in video games, where players can, at most, collect in-universe documents (which may be stored in an EncyclopediaExposita) instead.
44!!By the manner of use
45The following classification mainly concerns perks, since skill scores by definition have passive effects on actively triggered basic actions.
47* '''Activated perks''' allow the character to perform a specific action at the player's command (launch an attack, cast a spell, pick a lock, etc.), either consuming a portion of their {{mana}} or stamina to do so, or inducing a {{Cooldown}} before it can be used again (or both).
48* '''Sustained perks''', a.k.a. auras, likewise require manual activation by the player but remain in effect for a certain time (followed by a cooldown) or until they either have drained the character of mana/stamina or are deactivated. Their effects can vary from passive bonuses, through dealing continuous damage to surrounding enemies, to enabling the usage of otherwise restricted active perks (e.g. certain [[SpecialAttack sword techniques]] only available from a certain [[StanceSystem combat stance]]).
49* '''Passive perks''' provide constant bonuses after they are learned. Said bonuses are usually an order of magnitude larger than the ones provided by regular stat or skill score increases. For instance, if each Wisdom stat point gives the character +2% to hostile magic resistance, the [[MageKiller Magebane perk]] can give up to +50%.
50* '''Story perks''' unlock hidden sidequests and conversation options, i.e. affecting the story instead of the gameplay. They are distinct from regular {{Event Flag}}s in that they can be acquired at any point in the game by spending skill points. One popular story perk is a CompellingVoice, which opens up superhuman persuasion options in dialogue.
52Obviously, perks are only usable when the characters are equipped with proper gear and are in the appropriate gameplay mode (exploration, [[CombatDiplomacyStealth combat, dialogue, stealth]]).
54!!By prerequisite
55To prevent the PlayerCharacter from getting too powerful too fast, most game systems put artificial limits on skill progression.
57* Skill scores are often dynamically {{cap}}ped by either the overall CharacterLevel, or their governing primary attributes. For instance, the War Axe skill score cannot exceed the Strength stat score, which has to be improved before taking the next level in War Axe.
58* Perks usually have to be "unlocked" for each character before they can learn them. Unlocking a perk often entails one or more of following:
59** Reaching a certain CharacterLevel
60** Learning the prerequisite perks in the [[TechTree Skill Tree]]
61** Raising [[LevelLockedLoot a stat or a skill score to a certain value]]
62** Having a certain standing on the KarmaMeter (or RelationshipValues for party members' skills)
63** [[NonstandardSkillLearning Clearing certain story events or similar non-systemic actions]] (in which case the new perk is often learned automatically)
65Furthermore, some skills (usually perks) may be restricted to a certain CharacterClass or even a particular character (in case of {{Signature Move}}s).
67!!By manner of acquisition
68Skill scores are not so much "acquired" as "improved", since most characters start off with at least minimal scores in them and then decide which ones to improve. Skill scores can be raised by:
70* Arbitrarily investing "skill points" into them, which are gained after Level Ups (in CharacterLevel systems) or completed quests (in the PointBuildSystem)
71* Repeatedly applying the corresponding basic action (in the so-called [[StatGrinding Training System]])
73Perks can be acquired (and optionally upgraded) by:
75* Arbitrarily spending "skill points" on them, gained by leveling up or completing quests
76* Buying them from trainers with regular in-game currency
77* Learning them from items, such as manuals, spell scrolls, etc.
78* [[DesignItYourselfEquipment Combining existing effects into new moves]], specifically, magic spells and {{combo}}s
80If the player doesn't need to visit a trainer to upgrade their skills, the game may instead require the PlayerCharacter to rest before allowing to spend skill points.
