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Context Administrivia / InternalSubtrope

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1Sometimes, a trope is distinct enough to deserve its own name and description, but a bit [[Administrivia/TheSameButMoreSpecific too specific]] to deserve its own page: There is a huge grey area between worthwhile tropes and tropes that are plainly Administrivia/TheSameButMore, Administrivia/TheSameButMoreSpecific, or similar. In some cases, a trope concept within this gray area is best handled by making it an '''Internal Subtrope''': Give it a trope definition within the trope description of the supertrope and add the trope name as a redirect. But please avoid Administrivia/LinkingToAnArticleWithinTheArticle in this way.
3However, [[Administrivia/TypeLabelsAreNotExamples Subtrope Titles Are Not Examples]]. Examples on a trope page still must list ''why'' a particular internal subtrope applies.
5For examples, see FetishizedAbuser (which has "Abusively Sexy Lady", "Abusively Sexy Bitch", and "Abusively Sexy Girl" as internal subtropes) and ArtistDisillusionment (which has ArtistDisillusionmentFarewell as an internal subtrope.)
